

把我的网站带到云端好吗?我有一个基于J2EE servlet、JSP和MySQL数据库构建的网站。



    1.first you need to buy Domain name for your website,for this you can visit
   GOdaddy.com or Bigrock.compare the prices and buy whichever is best.
    2.you need to buy Server space to host your website.
    again you can go to above mentioned sites and choose your plan,they also 
    provide cloud    services.
    3.and i think you must be aware that Cloud is nothing 
   But cluster of virtual servers which is nowadays best option to keep 
   your data safe.
    4.now yo need a FTP to transfer your file from localhost 
   to Remote server.FILEZILLA is an opensource application used 
   widely for the purpose.you may choose other also according to your need.
