


  • swift/stdlib/public/core/Arrays.swift.gib
/// The number of elements in the array.
public var count: Int {
  return _getCount()
// ... what is function _getCount()?
internal func _getCount() -> Int {
  return _buffer.count
// ... what is property _buffer?
internal var _buffer: _Buffer
// ... what is type _Buffer? (Swift)
internal typealias _Buffer = _ContiguousArrayBuffer<Element>
// ... what is type _ContiguousArrayBuffer?
// --> switch source file
  • swift/stdlib/public/core/ContiquentArrayBuffer.swift
import SwiftShims
/// Class used whose sole instance is used as storage for empty
/// arrays.  The instance is defined in the runtime and statically
/// initialized.  See stdlib/runtime/GlobalObjects.cpp for details.
internal struct _ContiguousArrayBuffer<Element> : _ArrayBufferProtocol {
  // ... conformance to _ArrayBufferProtocol
  /// The number of elements the buffer stores.
  internal var count: Int {
    get {
      return __bufferPointer.header.count
    // ...
  // ...
// ... what is property __bufferPointer?
var __bufferPointer: ManagedBufferPointer<_ArrayBody, Element>
// what is type _ArrayBody?
// we notice for now that it is used in the following class:
internal final class _EmptyArrayStorage
  : _ContiguousArrayStorageBase {
  // ...
  var countAndCapacity: _ArrayBody // telling name for a tuple? :)
// --> proceed to core/ArrayBody.swift
  • swift/stdlib/public/core/ArrayBody.swift
import SwiftShims
// ...
internal struct _ArrayBody {
  var _storage: _SwiftArrayBodyStorage
  // ...
  /// The number of elements stored in this Array.
  var count: Int {
    get {
      return _assumeNonNegative(_storage.count)
    set(newCount) {
      _storage.count = newCount
// we are near our price! we need to look closer at  _SwiftArrayBodyStorage, 
// the type of _storage, so lets look at SwiftShims, GlobalObjects.cpp
// (as mentioned in source comments above), specifically
// --> switch source file
  • swift/stdlib/public/SwiftShims/GlobalObjects.h
struct _SwiftArrayBodyStorage {
  __swift_intptr_t count;              
  __swift_uintptr_t _capacityAndFlags;
// Yay, we found a stored property!


struct _SwiftArrayBodyStorage {
    __swift_intptr_t count;
    __swift_uintptr_t _capacityAndFlags;




public var count: Int {
  get {
    return __bufferPointer.value.count
  nonmutating set {
     _sanityCheck(newValue >= 0)
        newValue <= capacity,
        "Can't grow an array buffer past its capacity")
        __bufferPointer._valuePointer.memory.count = newValue


