退出 ant 目标而不会失败构建

我正在寻找一种退出目标并继续运行 ant 代码而不退出整个过程的方法。像下面这样的东西,但我得到错误。

<target name="foo">
<condition property="should.exit">
(condition check here....)
<exit if="should.exit" message="some message"/>
(skipped tasks if "should.exit" is true)


Problem: failed to create task or type exit   
[sshexec]      [echo] Cause: The name is undefined.   
[sshexec]      [echo] Action: Check the spelling.   
[sshexec]      [echo] Action: Check that any custom tasks/types have been declared.   
[sshexec]      [echo] Action: Check that any <presetdef>/<macrodef> declarations have taken place.   
[sshexec]      [echo]    [sshexec]    
[sshexec]      [echo]                    ERROR Error error
<target name="foo">
<condition property="should.exit">
(condition check here....)
<fail message="failing">
        <equals arg1="${should.exit}" arg2="true"/>
(skipped tasks if "should.exit" is true)


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