COUNT(ot.UserId) as orderCount, SUM(ot.TotalAmount) as TotalAmount,
MAX(u.UserName) as UserName, MAX(c.name) as ClientName
from OrderTemplate ot
join User u
on u.userid = ot.UserId
join Client c
on u.ClientID = c.clientid
group by ot.UserId
from ot in dbContext.OrderTemplates
join user in dbContext.Users on ot.UserId equals user.UserID
join client in dbContext.Clients on user.ClientID equals client.ClientID
group ot by ot.UserId into g
select new
//UserName = need to pick this from user table
//ClientName = need to pick this from client table
OrderCount = g.Count(),
TotalAmount = g.Sum(x=> x.TotalAmount)
from ot in dbContext.OrderTemplates
join u in dbContext.Users on ot.UserId equals u.UserID
join c in dbContext.Clients on u.ClientID equals c.ClientID
group ot by new { ot.UserId, u.UserName, c.ClientName } into g
select new
UserName = g.Key.UserName,
ClientName = g.Key.ClientName,
OrderCount = g.Count(),
TotalAmount = g.Sum(x=> x.TotalAmount)
Username = g.Max(item => item.UserName) // will just use string comparison to select the "max"