
我正在编写一个flutter应用程序,以使用Youtube API V3克隆Youtube的一些功能。

该应用程序从youtube视频API 获取视频时间戳作为字符串






  • 1小时
  • 1小时前
  • 4周前
  • 11个月前
  • 1年前

我在String 上创建了一个扩展

extension StringExtension on String {
static String displayTimeAgoFromTimestamp(String timestamp) {
final year = int.parse(timestamp.substring(0, 4));
final month = int.parse(timestamp.substring(5, 7));
final day = int.parse(timestamp.substring(8, 10));
final hour = int.parse(timestamp.substring(11, 13));
final minute = int.parse(timestamp.substring(14, 16));
final DateTime videoDate = DateTime(year, month, day, hour, minute);
final int diffInHours = DateTime.now().difference(videoDate).inHours;
String timeAgo = '';
String timeUnit = '';
int timeValue = 0;
if (diffInHours < 1) {
final diffInMinutes = DateTime.now().difference(videoDate).inMinutes;
timeValue = diffInMinutes;
timeUnit = 'minute';
} else if (diffInHours < 24) {
timeValue = diffInHours;
timeUnit = 'hour';
} else if (diffInHours >= 24 && diffInHours < 24 * 7) {
timeValue = (diffInHours / 24).floor();
timeUnit = 'day';
} else if (diffInHours >= 24 * 7 && diffInHours < 24 * 30) {
timeValue = (diffInHours / (24 * 7)).floor();
timeUnit = 'week';
} else if (diffInHours >= 24 * 30 && diffInHours < 24 * 12 * 30) {
timeValue = (diffInHours / (24 * 30)).floor();
timeUnit = 'month';
} else {
timeValue = (diffInHours / (24 * 365)).floor();
timeUnit = 'year';
timeAgo = timeValue.toString() + ' ' + timeUnit;
timeAgo += timeValue > 1 ? 's' : '';
return timeAgo + ' ago';





import 'package:timeago/timeago.dart' as timeago;
main() {
final fifteenAgo = new DateTime.now().subtract(new Duration(minutes: 15));
print(timeago.format(fifteenAgo)); // 15 minutes ago
print(timeago.format(fifteenAgo, locale: 'en_short')); // 15m
print(timeago.format(fifteenAgo, locale: 'es')); // hace 15 minutos


DateTime time = DateTime.parse("2020-07-12T20:42:19Z");


import 'package:intl/intl.dart';
//for DateTime manipulation need to add this package
import 'package:timeago/timeago.dart' as timeago;
void main(){
//creating this getTimeAgo function to format dateTime with user inputs
dynamic getTimeAgo(DateTime d) {
dynamic value = "";
//setting current time variable now
final now = DateTime.now();
//converting the user provided date to LocalTime
final recvDate = d.toLocal();
//declaring today's date in today variable
final today = DateTime(now.year, now.month, now.day);
//declaring yesterday's date in yesterday variable
final yesterday = DateTime(now.year, now.month, now.day - 1);
//declaring user provided date's in date variable 
final date = DateTime(recvDate.year, recvDate.month, recvDate.day);
//comparing today's date is equal to user provided date then return value with timeAgo flutter package response
if (date == today) {
final curtimeNow = timeago.format(d);
if (curtimeNow == 'a day ago') {
value = "1 day ago";
} else if (curtimeNow == 'about an hour ago') {
value = "1 hour ago";
} else {
value = curtimeNow;
} //comparing yesterday's date is equal to user provided date then return 1 day ago 
else if (date == yesterday) {
value='1 day ago';
} //else the user provided date then return as the date format of dd MMM yyyy Eg. 10 Mar 2022
else {
value = DateFormat('dd MMM yyyy').format(date);
//returning the response
return value;

//declaring the date which is to used be formatted
var recvdDateTime=DateTime.now().subtract(Duration(minutes: 45));;
//calling the getTimeAgo (fn) with user input
