


#ifndef project1
#define project1
static int choice, rows1, cols1, rows2, cols2, k;
static char choice2;
static int *mat1 = new int[10 * 10];
static int *mat2 = new int[10 * 10];
static int *matf = new int[10 * 10];
void output(int *matf, int rows, int cols);
void addition(int *mat1, int *mat2, int *matf, int rows, int cols);
void subtraction(int *mat1, int *mat2, int *matf, int rows, int cols);
void multiplication(int *mat1, int *mat2, int *matf, int rows1, int cols1, int rows2, int cols2);
int input();


#include <string>
#include "project1.h"
using namespace std;
int main()
switch (choice)
{ //this switch block will call the correct fucntion with respect to the user's choice
case 1:
addition(mat1, mat2, matf, rows1, cols1);
case 2:
subtraction(mat1, mat2, matf, rows1, cols1);
case 3:
multiplication(mat1, mat2, matf, rows1, cols1, rows2, cols2);
case 0:
return 0;
cout << "invalid 2input";
//the end of the main function will repeat if the user would like
cout << "n Would you like to do another operation y/n?" << endl;
cin >> choice2;
if (choice2 == 'y')
return 0;


int input()
//input function
cout << "Menu"
<< "n 1. Addition"
<< "n 2. Subtraction"
<< "n 3. Multiplication"
<< "n 0. Exit"
<< "n Enter the number of your choice" << endl;
cin >> choice;
if (choice == 0)
{ // this will kill the main function if "Exit" is chosen, or repeat if an invalid number is chosen
return 0;
else if (choice > 3)
cout << "invalid input" << endl;
//this part of the code will prompt the user for the rows and columns for each matrix
cout << "Number of rows for the first Matrix? (max 10)" << endl;
cin >> rows1;
cout << "Number of columns for the first Matrix? (max 10)" << endl;
cin >> cols1;
cout << "Number of rows for the second Matrix? (max 10)" << endl;
cin >> rows2;
cout << "Number of columns for the second Matrix? (max 10)" << endl;
cin >> cols2;
//this if/else statement checks that the matrices are the right size to be operated
if ((choice == 1 || choice == 2) && ((cols1 != cols2) || (rows1 != rows2)))
cout << " error: for addition and subraction the two matrices must have the same amount of elements";
choice = 0;
return 0;
else if ((choice == 3) && (rows2 != cols1))
cout << " error: for multiplication the columns of the first must equal the rows of the second";
choice = 0;
return 0;
// this for loop allows the user to input each element for the first matrix
cout << "input the elements of the first matrix: " << endl;
for (int i = 0; i < rows1; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < cols1; j++)
cout << "Enter element "
<< "(" << i << "," << j << "): ";
cin >> k;
*(mat1 + i * cols1 + j) = k;
output(mat1, rows1, cols1); //this call to output will allow the user to see what they have imputed
// this for loop allows the user to input each element for the second matrix
cout << "input the elements of the second matrix: " << endl;
for (int i = 0; i < rows2; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < cols2; j++)
cout << "Enter element "
<< "(" << i << "," << j << "): ";
cin >> k;
*(mat2 + i * cols2 + j) = k;
output(mat2, rows2, cols2); //this call to output will allow the user to see what they have imputed



#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include "project1.h"
using namespace std;
int choice, rows1, cols1, rows2, cols2, k;
char choice2;
int *mat1 = new int[10 * 10];
int *mat2 = new int[10 * 10];
int *matf = new int[10 * 10];
int main()

input( choice, rows1, cols1, rows2, cols2, k, mat1, mat2, matf);
switch (choice)
{ //this switch block will call the correct fucntion with respect to the user's choice
case 1:
addition(mat1, mat2, matf, rows1, cols1);
case 2:
subtraction(mat1, mat2, matf, rows1, cols1);
case 3:
multiplication(mat1, mat2, matf, rows1, cols1, rows2, cols2);
case 0:
return 0;
cout << "invalid input";
//the end of the main fucntion will repeat if the user would like
cout << "n Would you like to do another operation y/n?" << endl;
cin >> choice2;
if (choice2 == 'y')
return 0;


#ifndef project1
#define project1

int output(int *matf, int rows1, int cols1);
int addition(int *mat1, int *mat2, int *matf, int rows1, int cols1);
int subtraction(int *mat1, int *mat2, int *matf, int rows1, int cols1);
int multiplication(int *mat1, int *mat2, int *matf, int rows1, int cols1, int rows2, int cols2);
int input(int choice,int rows1,int cols1,int rows2,int cols2,int k, int *mat1, int*mat2, int*matf);




void input(int& choice, int& rows1, int& cols1, int& rows2, int& cols2, int& k, int *mat1, int* mat2, int* matf);

注意,input的返回值从int变为void。这是因为当您在main中调用它时,您没有将input的返回值分配给任何东西,所以我认为您不需要它。input中的任何return语句都需要更改为仅return;(而不是类似return 0;的语句(。


