将PANDAS DataFrame列拆分为onehot/二进制列


datetime |  mood |  activities |  notes
8/27/2017 |  "good" | ["friends", "party", "gaming"] | NaN
8/28/2017 |  "meh" |  ["work", "friends", "good food"] | "Stuff stuff"
8/29/2017 |  "bad" |  ["work", "travel"] |  "Fell off my bike"



datetime |  mood |  friends | party | gaming | work | good food | travel |  notes
8/27/2017 |  "good" | True | True | True | False | False | False | NaN
8/28/2017 |  "meh" |  True | False | False | True | True | False | "Stuff stuff"
8/29.2017 | "bad" | False | False | False | False | True | False | True | "Fell off my bike"




df = pd.DataFrame({'datetime':pd.date_range('2017-08-27', '2017-08-29'),
                                                        ["work", "friends", "good food"],
                                                        ["work", "travel"]],
              'notes':[np.nan, 'stuff stuff','fell off my bike']})
df.set_index(['datetime'], inplace=True)
            mood      activities                notes
2017-08-27  good    [friends, party, gaming]    NaN
2017-08-28  meh     [work, friends, good food]  stuff stuff
2017-08-29  bad     [work, travel]              fell off my bike


df2 = pd.concat([df[['mood','notes']], pd.get_dummies(df['activities'].apply(pd.Series),
                                                      prefix='activity')], axis=1)

            mood    notes   activity_friends    activity_work   activity_friends    activity_party  activity_travel activity_gaming activity_good food
2017-08-27  good    NaN             1               0                 0                 1                   0                   1                   0
2017-08-28  meh     stuff stuff     0               1                 1                 0                   0                   0                   1
2017-08-29  bad    fell off my bike 0               1                 0                 0                   1                   0                   0


df2.loc[:,df2.columns[2:]] = df2.loc[:,df2.columns[2:]].astype(bool)


from ast import literal_eval
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
# the raw data
d = '''datetime |  mood |  activities |  notes
8/27/2017 |  "good" | ["friends", "party", "gaming"] | NaN
8/28/2017 |  "meh" |  ["work", "friends", "good food"] | "Stuff stuff"
8/29/2017 |  "bad" |  ["work", "travel"] |  "Fell off my bike"'''
# parse the raw data
df = pd.read_csv(pd.compat.StringIO(d), sep='s*|s*', engine='python')
# parse the lists of activities (which are still strings)
acts = df['activities'].apply(literal_eval)
# get the unique activities
actcols = np.unique([a for al in acts for a in al])
# assemble the desired one hot array from the activities
actarr = np.array([np.in1d(actcols, al) for al in acts])
actdf = pd.DataFrame(actarr, columns=actcols)
# stick the dataframe with the one hot array onto the main dataframe
df = pd.concat([df.drop(columns='activities'), actdf], axis=1)
# fancy print
with pd.option_context("display.max_columns", 20, 'display.width', 9999):


    datetime    mood               notes  friends  gaming  good food  party  travel   work
0  8/27/2017  "good"                 NaN     True    True      False   True   False  False
1  8/28/2017   "meh"       "Stuff stuff"     True   False       True  False   False   True
2  8/29/2017   "bad"  "Fell off my bike"    False   False      False  False    True   True


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