在 MVC3 中将字节数组显示为图像



document.getElementById("Logo").setAttribute("src",'@Url.Action("GetImage","AdminLogoManager", new { id = Model.Asset.AssetID})');
<img id="Logo" />


private List<LogoModel> LogoModelList
                var logoModelList = GetLogoModelListFromSomewhere();
                return logoModelList;
public FileContentResult GetImage(int id)
            LogoModel m = LogoModelList.Find(p => p.Asset.AssetID == id);
            return new FileContentResult(m.Asset.Document, "image/jpeg");

但它不显示图像。我检查了Chrome调试器,它说:服务器响应错误 500(内部服务器错误)谁能帮我解决这个问题??我知道 LogoModelList 不是空或空的,并且 ID 可能是正确的




    public static class ImageResultHelper
        public static ImageResult Image( this Controller controller, byte[] imageData, string mimeType )
            return new ImageResult()
                ImageData = imageData,
                MimeType = mimeType
    public static ImageResult Image( this Controller controller, byte[] imageData, string mimeType, HttpCacheability cacheability, DateTime expires, string eTag )
        return new ImageResult()
            ImageData = imageData,
            MimeType = mimeType,
            Cacheability = cacheability,
            Expires = expires,
            ETag = eTag


public class ImageResult : ActionResult
    public ImageResult()
    public byte[] ImageData { get; set; }
    public string MimeType { get; set; }
    public HttpCacheability Cacheability { get; set; }
    public string ETag { get; set; }
    public DateTime? Expires { get; set; }
    public override void ExecuteResult( ControllerContext context )
        if ( this.ImageData == null )
            throw new ArgumentNullException( "ImageData" );
        if ( string.IsNullOrEmpty( this.MimeType ) )
            throw new ArgumentNullException( "MimeType" );
        context.HttpContext.Response.ContentType = this.MimeType;
        if ( !string.IsNullOrEmpty( this.ETag ) )
            context.HttpContext.Response.Cache.SetETag( this.ETag );
        if ( this.Expires.HasValue )
            context.HttpContext.Response.Cache.SetCacheability( this.Cacheability );
            context.HttpContext.Response.Cache.SetExpires( this.Expires.Value );
        context.HttpContext.Response.OutputStream.Write( this.ImageData, 0, this.ImageData.Length );

这是我使用内置的 WebImage 类在控制器上创建的方法,改编自以下答案:

Asp.net MVC3 图像缩略图调整大小的想法

WebImage 的好处是您可以设置图像的大小并保持纵横比:

using System.Web.Helpers;
public void GetImageThumbnailFromByteArray(int docId, int width, int height)
    // Load image from database
    var document = productRepository.Documents.SingleOrDefault(f => f.DocumentID == docId);
    if (document == null || document.FileContent == null)
    // .FileContent is the image stored as a byte array 
    var image = document.FileContent;
    // .Resize will resize the image on the fly using the passed in width and height. 
    // The 3rd and 4th params are preserveAspectRatio and preventEnlarge
    // .Crop it to remove 1px border at top and left sides (bug in WebImage)
    new WebImage(image)
    .Resize(width, height, true, true) 
    .Crop(1, 1)                        
    // This will load a default image if no image available
    // new WebImage(HostingEnvironment.MapPath(@"~/Content/images/myPic.png")).Write();


    <a title="Click to download" href="@Url.Action("Download", "Product", new {id = Model.DocumentID})">
    <img style="border: solid; border-color: lightgrey; border-width: thin" src="@Url.Action("GetImageThumbnailFromByteArray", "Product", new {docId = Model.DocumentID, width = 250, height = 250})" alt=""/>            

