

function About() {
const title = "we are a team";
// leadership array.
const leadership = [
name: "abc",
department: "abc",
phone: "abc",
email: "abc",
name: "abc",
department: "abc",
phone: "abc",
email: "abc",

// business array
const business = [
name: "abc",
department: "abc",
email: "abc",
name: "abc",
department: "abc",
email: "abc",

// mapping through the leadership array and displaying the content in the UI
const row1 = leadership.map((row) => (
<div className="column">
<div className="card">
<div className="container">

// mapping through the leadership array and displaying the content in the UI
const row2 = business.map((row) => (
<div className="column">
<div className="card">
<div className="container">

// returning the content and rendering it in the UI
return (
<div className="home-component">
<div className="home-content">
<h1 style={stylesheader}> Meet the team </h1>
<h2 style={stylehead}>{title}</h2>
<h2 style={styles}> Leadership </h2>
<div className="row" style={style1}>
<h2 style={styles}> Business Development </h2>
<div className="row" style={style1}>
export default About;


h2Renderer(title, rowData) {
return (
<h2 style={styles}>{ title }</h2>
<div className="row" style={style1}>
rowData.map((row, index) => {
return (
<div key={ `h2row-${index}` } className="column">
<div className="card"> 
<div className="container">
{ row.phone ? <p>{row.phone}</p> : null }

由于"phone"似乎是可选的,因此"三元表达式"'{ row.phone ? <p>{row.phone}</p> : null }'如果它是行对象的属性,它将添加"phone"。

在渲染函数 'return' 语句中为每组行调用这个 h2Renderer((,并传入标题:

return (
<div className="home-component">
<div className="home-header">
<div className="home-content" >
<h1 style={stylesheader}> Meet the team </h1>
<h2 style={stylehead}>{title}</h2>
{ this.h2Renderer(" Leadership ", row1 ) }
{ this.h2Renderer(" Business Development ", row2 ) }
{ this.h2Renderer(" Algorithm Development ", row3 ) }
{ this.h2Renderer(" Software Development ", row4 ) }

稍后,我相信您可以通过将数据数组和"title"标头作为组件的 props 传递来减少代码行数,并在 h2Renderer 中使用 props 而不是传递参数。

