JavaScript 不确定代码的作用


$(function() {
$('#login-form-link').click(function(e) {
$('#register-form-link').click(function(e) {

我相信这与 css 有关,也许将 css 类设置为活动状态?



如果单击登录链接,它会淡出注册表单,同时淡出登录表单,然后为登录表单提供活动的 CSS 类。

如果单击注册链接,它将淡出登录表单,同时淡出注册表单,然后为注册表单提供活动的 CSS 类。

简而言之,如果您在登录中单击登录,则会显示登录表单。 如果单击"注册",将显示注册表单。 它也只是做一些动画和css类分配。

// jQuery-way to wait until the document is has loaded
$(function() {
// jQuery equivalence of "addEventListener" which binds a function 
// (event-handler) to an element, which triggers when you click on said 
// element (or children of that element, since events bubbles upwards)
// You add it once, but it will trigger on EVERY click on the element
$('#login-form-link').click(function(e) {  
// jQuery way to show a hidden element with a fade-in animation.
// Delay is added or else the following fadeOut will start early.
// hide an elment, jquery
// removes css-class, jquery
// Adds a css-class, jquery
// "this" in an event-handler refers to the element to which the
// event-handler was added, so in this case: #login-form-link.
// Prevents the default browser action for the event. 
// For example, if the clicked element was a link, say
// <a href="">..</a> this would prevent 
// the browser from loading up google.
// If you don't have a href or use "" or "#" the browser might
// refresh the current page or jump to the top of the page, 
// in such cases you use the e.preventDefault to prevent that!
// It's common to use with <a>-tags and it's not jQuery.

在此上下文中,"e"是一个 MouseEvent(不是 jquery(。

