



id  project.id  status.id  priority.id  author.id  assigned_to.id  parent.id  category.id
0    18543          18          5            2         85            85.0    18203.0          NaN
1    18542          18          5            2         85            85.0    18538.0          NaN
2    18541          71          5            2         67            67.0    17788.0          NaN
3    18540          18          5            3        105            85.0        NaN        150.0
4    18539          17          5            2         81            81.0    18537.0          NaN
..     ...         ...        ...          ...        ...             ...        ...          ...
806  18257           4          1            2          3             NaN    16423.0          NaN
807  17738          11          1            2          3             NaN    17737.0          NaN
808  16017          65          2            2         81             NaN        NaN          NaN
809   2473          65         15            2          4             4.0        NaN          NaN
810  16423          65         18            2          3            18.0        NaN          NaN
[811 rows x 8 columns]



def findChildren(issueId, issueFrame):
# clean data
safeElements = issueFrame.fillna(0)
children = safeElements[safeElements['parent.id'] == issueId]
childList = np.array(children['id'])
listLength = 0
# seek until list of children does not grow anymore
while listLength != len(childList):
listLength = len(childList)
for identifier in childList:
children = safeElements[safeElements['parent.id'] == identifier]
addToList = np.array(children['id'])
childList = np.append(childList, addToList)
childList = np.unique(childList)
return childList




def findChildren(issueId, issueFrame, cache=None):
# Create a dictionary which lists all children an `id` has
# The result is something like this:
# {
#   1: [2,3,4], # 1 has children 2, 3, 4
#   2: [5]      # 2 has child 5
# }
_cache = cache or issueFrame[['parent.id', 'id']].groupby('parent.id')['id'].apply(list).to_dict()
# We start with the supplied `issueId`
check_list = [issueId]
# The final list of children
ids = []
while len(check_list) > 0:
parent_id = check_list.pop()
# Get all children of the current `parent_id`...
children = _cache.get(parent_id, [])
# ... then check if they have an children too
check_list += children
# and add them to the list of children for the current ticket
ids += children
# Finally, extract those children from the DataFrame
return issueFrame[issueFrame['id'].isin(ids)]
