

W  05-Nov-14 10:09:36   261 CA_OSC          <I>Process ax_be has finished without having received an explicit termination request from the component manager    </I>
                                                                    Time: 5.11.2014, 10:09:36, Line: 1161, File: MComsrcOSScompmgrsrc/CaCompPCB.cpp, Process: CaGenericMain (2448)
E  05-Nov-14 10:09:36   17  AY_ISC           An error was detected in a process that is monitored by State Manager.    
                                                                    Time: 5.11.2014, 10:09:36, Process: C:AXMServicebinRep.exe_1976,
                                                                    Text: (05.11.2014 10:09:36) IVS SET: CMonitorThread::ProcessTermination(AppBE,5452) A critical process has
W  05-Nov-14 10:09:37   261 CA_OSC          <I>Process main_ui has finished without having received an explicit termination request from the component manager    </I>
                                                                    Time: 5.11.2014, 10:09:37, Line: 1161, File: MComsrcOSScompmgrsrc/CaCompPCB.cpp, Process: CaGenericMain (2448)


E  05-Nov-14 10:09:36   17  AY_ISC           An error was detected in a process that is monitored by State Manager.    
                                                                    Time: 5.11.2014, 10:09:36, Process: C:AXMServicebinRep.exe_1976,
                                                                    Text: (05.11.2014 10:09:36) IVS SET: CMonitorThread::ProcessTermination(AppBE,5452) A critical process has



awk -v RS="n(E|I|W)" "/ProcessTermination/" XA135420_2014_11_05_AppEventLog.txt


  05-Nov-14 10:09:36    17  AY_ISC           An error was detected in a process that is monitored by State Manager.    
                                                                    Time: 5.11.2014, 10:09:36, Process: C:AXMServicebinRep.exe_1976,
                                                                    Text: (05.11.2014 10:09:36) IVS SET: CMonitorThread::ProcessTermination(AppBE,5452) A critical process has


注意:我在Windows7上使用GNU Awk 3.1.6。

使用awk 在内存中加载段落

awk '/^[EIW]/{if( P ~ /ProcessTermination/)print P;P=""}{P=P"n"$0}END{if( P ~ /ProcessTermination/)print P}' XA135420_2014_11_05_AppEventLog.txt



$ awk -v RS='(^|n)\S' '/ProcessTermination/{print gensub(/^n|n$/,"","g",p$0)} {p=RT}' file
E  05-Nov-14 10:09:36   17  AY_ISC           An error was detected in a process that is monitored by State Manager.
                                                                    Time: 5.11.2014, 10:09:36, Process: C:AXMServicebinRep.exe_1976,
                                                                    Text: (05.11.2014 10:09:36) IVS SET: CMonitorThread::ProcessTermination(AppBE,5452) A critical process has



$ cat tst.awk
/^[WEI]/ { check() }
{ buf = buf $0 RS }
END { check() }
function check() {
    if ( index(buf,tgt) ) {
        printf "%s", buf
    buf = ""
$ awk -v tgt="ProcessTermination" -f tst.awk file
E  05-Nov-14 10:09:36   17  AY_ISC           An error was detected in a process that is monitored by State Manager.
                                                                    Time: 5.11.2014, 10:09:36, Process: C:AXMServicebinRep.exe_1976,
                                                                    Text: (05.11.2014 10:09:36) IVS SET: CMonitorThread::ProcessTermination(AppBE,5452) A critical process has

