如何将用户限制为仅输入 1-3

  • 本文关键字:用户 java jgrasp nim-game
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import java.util.Random;
import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;
    Courtney Fox 
    Professor Yao
    Midterm Part 1
      The purpose of this program is to develop a Nim game that consists of a
      pile of stones ranging from 10-16. From that pile, both the player and 
      computer have to pick up to 3 stones and whoever gets the last stone 
public class FoxMidQ1
   public static void main(String[] args)
      int user = 0;
      //int computer;
      //int loser;
      int gamenum = 0;
      Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);
     //Welcome Output
     System.out.println("Welcome to Nim Game!");
     //Get pile size: Randomly generate 10-16
     int[] pile = {10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 , 16};
     int stones = pile[(int)(Math.random() * pile.length)];
     System.out.println("Game #"+ (gamenum + 1) +": There are "+ stones + " 
     stones in the pile.");
     System.out.println("You can remove up to 3 stones from pile at a 
     //User takes stones
     System.out.println("How many stones would you like to remove? ");
     user = input.nextInt();

我开始了,但我被困在用户只应该从堆中取出 1、2 或 3 块石头的部分。我尝试做 do,while,for,if,else,这些循环都没有做我想让它做的事情,因为用户只假设有一个回合,然后是计算机轮到从堆中捡起最多 3 块石头。


 System.out.println("How many stones would you like to remove? ");
 user = input.nextInt();
输入后,只需比较值,如果它在 1 和 3 之间,则提示更正,如果它不在 1 和 3 之间,

则只需显示一条消息,说"输入应该在 1 和 3 之间"。

if(user >0 && user <= 3) {
  //do the needful
} else {
  //Print the custom message saying that wrong input

user = input.nextInt();之后添加这个

boolean testForCorrectInput = true;
      if(user < 1 || user >3)
           System.out.println("nWrong input. Please enter a number between 1 and 3");
           user = input.nextInt();    
           testForCorrectInput = false;

这将测试用户是否输入了正确的输入,并提示他们输入该输入,直到输入了介于 1 和 3 之间的值。
