如何在引用自身的 PostgreSQL 表中递归获取从给定 id 开始的所有 ID?



id |  parent  | name
1  |   null   |   /
2  |    1     |  home
3  |    2     |  user
4  |    3     |  bin
5  |    1     |  usr
6  |    5     |  local


1我将得到一个包含 2,3,4,5,6(因为这是根(的表,因此匹配:

  • /家
  • /
  • 首页/用户
  • /
  • 首页/用户/垃圾桶
  • /usr
  • 等。。。

2我会得到一个包含 3,4 的表,因此匹配:

  • 首页/用户
  • /
  • 首页/用户/垃圾桶


使用递归公用表表达式。始终从根开始,使用 id 数组来获取WHERE子句中给定id的路径。

对于id = 1

with recursive cte(id, parent, name, ids) as (
select id, parent, name, array[id]
from my_table
where parent is null
union all
select t.id, t.parent, concat(c.name, t.name, '/'), ids || t.id
from cte c
join my_table t on c.id = t.parent
select id, name 
from cte
where 1 = any(ids) and id <> 1
id |         name          
2 | /home/
5 | /usr/
6 | /usr/local/
3 | /home/user/
4 | /home/user/bin/
(5 rows)

对于id = 2

with recursive cte(id, parent, name, ids) as (
select id, parent, name, array[id]
from my_table
where parent is null
union all
select t.id, t.parent, concat(c.name, t.name, '/'), ids || t.id
from cte c
join my_table t on c.id = t.parent
select id, name 
from cte
where 2 = any(ids) and id <> 2
id |         name          
3 | /home/user/
4 | /home/user/bin/
(2 rows)    



with recursive outer_query(id, parent, name) as (
with recursive inner_query(qid, id, parent, name) as (
select id, id, parent, name
from my_table
where id = 2        -- parameter
union all
select qid, t.id, t.parent, concat(t.name, '/', q.name)
from inner_query q
join my_table t on q.parent = t.id
select qid, null::int, right(name, -1)
from inner_query
where parent is null
union all
select t.id, t.parent, concat(q.name, '/', t.name)
from outer_query q
join my_table t on q.id = t.parent
select id, name
from outer_query
where id <> 2;          -- parameter
