
我想迭代一次数组/向量并在此过程中修改多个元素,因为这是最理想的解决方案。我不想仅仅因为 Rust 对借款不满意而一遍又一遍地扫描它。


use std::cmp::{min, max};
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Clone, Copy)]
struct Interval {
start: usize,
stop: usize,
impl Interval {
fn new(start: usize, stop: usize) -> Interval {
Interval {
start: start,
stop: stop,
pub fn starts_before_disjoint(&self, other: &Interval) -> bool {
self.start < other.start && self.stop < other.start
pub fn starts_before_non_disjoint(&self, other: &Interval) -> bool {
self.start <= other.start && self.stop >= other.start
pub fn starts_after(&self, other: &Interval) -> bool {
self.start > other.start
pub fn starts_after_disjoint(&self, other: &Interval) -> bool {
self.start > other.stop
pub fn starts_after_nondisjoint(&self, other: &Interval) -> bool {
self.start > other.start && self.start <= other.stop
pub fn disjoint(&self, other: &Interval) -> bool {
pub fn adjacent(&self, other: &Interval) -> bool {
self.start == other.stop + 1 || self.stop == other.start - 1
pub fn union(&self, other: &Interval) -> Interval {
Interval::new(min(self.start, other.start), max(self.stop, other.stop))
pub fn intersection(&self, other: &Interval) -> Interval {
Interval::new(max(self.start, other.start), min(self.stop, other.stop))
fn main() {
//making vectors
let mut vec = vec![
Interval::new(1, 1),
Interval::new(2, 3),
Interval::new(6, 7),
let addition = Interval::new(2, 5); // <- this will take over interval @ 2 and will be adjacent to 3, so we have to merge
let (mut i, len) = (0, vec.len());
while i < len {
let r = &mut vec[i];
if *r == addition {
return; //nothing to do, just a duplicate
if addition.adjacent(r) || !addition.disjoint(r) {
//if they are next to each other or overlapping
//lets merge
let mut bigger = addition.union(r);
*r = bigger;
//now lets check what else we can merge
while i < len - 1 {
i += 1;
let next = &vec[i + 1];
if !bigger.adjacent(next) && bigger.disjoint(next) {
//nothing to merge
vec.remove(i); //<- FAIL another mutable borrow
i -= 1; //lets go back
vec[i] = bigger.union(next); //<- FAIL and yet another borrow
if addition.starts_before_disjoint(r) {
vec.insert(i - 1, addition); // <- FAIL since another refence already borrowed @ let r = &mut vec[i]
i += 1;


  1. 一次性使用迭代器完成
  2. 解决借款问题


一般来说,你不能因为这正是Rust 防止的一类错误。检查我用唯一变量替换i的事件序列,因为编译器无论如何都不知道将使用哪些值。

let r = &mut vec[i1];
let next = &vec[i2];
vec[i4] = bigger.union(next);         
vec.insert(i5, addition);
  • 如果在调用vec.remove(i3)时删除i1i2之前的任何值,则nextr中的引用将失效,因为所有值都将移动。
  • 如果i5i1i2之前,那么同样的事情也会发生,只是在另一个方向。
  • 如果i4等于i2,则next不可变值将被改变。
  • 如果i4等于i1,则对r的修改将通过另一条路径发生,而不是可变引用的单一所有者。




fn main() {
let mut vec = vec![
Interval::new(1, 1),
Interval::new(2, 3),
Interval::new(6, 7),
let addition = Interval::new(2, 5);
let (mut i, len) = (0, vec.len());
while i < len {
let r = vec[i];
if r == addition {
if addition.adjacent(&r) || !addition.disjoint(&r) {
let mut bigger = addition.union(&r);
vec[i] = bigger;
while i < len - 1 {
i += 1;
let next = vec[i + 1];
if !bigger.adjacent(&next) && bigger.disjoint(&next) {
i -= 1;
vec[i] = bigger.union(&next);
if addition.starts_before_disjoint(&r) {
vec.insert(i - 1, addition);
i += 1;

实际上,我会按照 loganfsmyth 的建议去做,并更改算法以获取一部分间隔并返回新Vec。如果你经常这样做,你可以在两个预先分配的Vec之间来回切换写入,但在这一点上,可能有一个比向量更好的数据结构;也许是一个间隔树。
