<TD> 使用 Python 从元素中获取数据

我正在为 plex 编写一个代理,我正在抓取以下 html 表 我对python和网络抓取一般都很陌生

我正在尝试获取数据 XXXXXXXXXX

  1. 数据
<table class="d">
<th class="ch">title</th>
<th class="ch">released</th>
<th class="ch">company</th>
<th class="ch">type</th>
<th class="ch">rating</th>
<th class="ch">category</th>
<td class="cd" valign="top">
<a href="/V/6/58996.html">XXXXXXXXXX</a>
<td class="cd">2015</td>
<td class="cd">My Films</td>
<td class="cd">&nbsp;</td>
<td class="cd">&nbsp;</td>
<td class="cd">General Hardcore</td>
  1. 代码


myTable = HTML.ElementFromURL(searchQuery, sleep=REQUEST_DELAY).xpath('//table[contains(@class,"d")]/tr')
self.log('SEARCH:: My Table: %s', myTable)
# This logs the following
#2019-12-26 00:26:49,329 (17a4) :  INFO (logkit:16) - GEVI - SEARCH:: My Table: [<Element tr at 0x5225c30>, <Element tr at 0x5225c00>]

for myRow in myTable:
siteTitle = title[0]
self.log('SEARCH:: Site Title: %s', siteTitle)
siteTitle = title[0].text_content().strip()
self.log('SEARCH:: Site Title: %s', siteTitle)
# This logs the following for <tr>/<th> - ROW 1
# 2019-12-26 00:26:49,335 (17a4) :  INFO (logkit:16) - GEVI - SEARCH:: Site Title: <Element th at 0x5225180>
# 2019-12-26 00:26:49,342 (17a4) :  INFO (logkit:16) - GEVI - SEARCH:: Site Title: title
# This logs the following for <tr>/<th> - ROW 2
# 2019-12-26 00:26:49,362 (17a4) :  INFO (logkit:16) - GEVI - SEARCH:: Site Title: <Element td at 0x52256f0>
# 2019-12-26 00:26:49,369 (17a4) :  INFO (logkit:16) - GEVI - SEARCH:: Site Title:                              #### this is my issue... should be XXXXXXXXXX

# I can get the href using the following code
siteURL = myRow.xpath('.//td/a')[0].get('href')
  1. 问题

一个。如何获取值"XXXXXXXXXX",我尝试使用 xPath,但它从同一页面上的另一个表中获取数据 B.有没有更好的方法来获取 href 属性?

  1. 其他

我正在使用的 python 库是 导入日期时间, 行缓存, 平台, 操作系统, re, 字符串, 系统, urllib

我不能使用美丽汤,因为这是 plex 的代理,因此我假设任何想要使用此代理的人都必须安装 beautifulsoup。 所以这是不行的


from simplified_scrapy.simplified_doc import SimplifiedDoc 
html = '''<table class="d">
<th class="ch">title</th>
<th class="ch">released</th>
<th class="ch">company</th>
<th class="ch">type</th>
<th class="ch">rating</th>
<th class="ch">category</th>
<td class="cd" valign="top">
<a href="/V/6/58996.html">XXXXXXXXXX</a>
<td class="cd">2015</td>
<td class="cd">My Films</td>
<td class="cd">&nbsp;</td>
<td class="cd">&nbsp;</td>
<td class="cd">General Hardcore</td>
doc = SimplifiedDoc(html)
table = doc.getElement('table','d') # doc.getElement(tag='table',attr='class',value='d')
trs = table.trs.contains('<a ') # table.getElementsByTag('tr').contains('<a ')
for tr in trs:
a = tr.a
print (a) 
print (a.text) # XXXXXXXXXX
