

(Author et al., .............. nGoogle Scholar) # there could be many 'nGoogle Scholar's within the brackets

引言Langerhans分泌胰岛素和胰高血糖素以响应葡萄糖维持葡萄糖稳态的扰动。胰岛素分泌β细胞表现出形态、功能和分子变异,表明它们可能由具有专门任务和生理反应(Gutierrez等人。,2017 Gutierrez G.D.Gromada J.Sussel L胰腺β细胞。正面Genet。2017年;8:22交叉引用\nSubMed\nCopus(11) \nGoogle Scholar,Roscioni等人。,2016 Roscioni S.S.Migliorini A。Gegg M.Lickert H.胰岛结构对细胞的影响异质性、可塑性和功能。内分泌学国家版。2016年;12:695-709 Crossref\nPubMed\nCopus(36)\nGoogle Scholar)。的特点β细胞的异质性包括葡萄糖反应性和分泌性活动然而,胰腺中转录物的可视化如果不使用诸如光开关染料(崔等,2018)。Chrisler W.B.Gaffrey M.J.Ansong C.Sussel L.Orr G.波动基于定位成像的荧光原位杂交(fliFISH)用于准确检测和计数单个RNA拷贝细胞。核酸研究2018;46:e7交叉引用\nPubMed\nCopus(2) \nGoggle学者)。我们已经优化了标准组织smFISH协议(Lyubimova等人,2013 Lyubimov A.Itzkovitz S.Junker J.P。Fan Z.P.Wu X.van Oudenarden A.单分子信使核糖核酸检测和在哺乳动物组织中计数。Nat.Protoc。2013年;8:1743-1758 Crossref\nPubMed\nCopus(62)\nGoogle Scholar)显著增加了信使核糖核酸变性的时间在探针杂交步骤之前,从5分钟至至少3小时。




  1. 查找每一个"Goggle Scholar)"事件的所有位置
  2. 从每个位置向后延伸,直到出现相应的左括号,然后省略这些索引之间的字符


def remove(test_str):
regex=re.compile('\nGoogle Scholar)')
for end in regex.finditer(test_str): #find all 'Google Scholar)'
for e in ends:                       #find all starting brackets
while True:
if bool(re.match('(D+',test_str[i-2:i])):
start=test_str[:starts[0]]           #omit all characters in between
for i,j in zip(starts,ends):
return start+ret+end


(Cui等人,2018)Cui Y.Hu D.Markillie L.M.Chrisler W.B.Gaffrey M.J。基于波动定位成像的Ansong C.Sussel L.Orr G荧光原位杂交(fliFISH)用于准确检测和单细胞中RNA拷贝的计数。核酸研究2018;46:e7Crossref\nSubMed\nCopus(2)\nGoogle Scholar)




(?s)(.*?Google Scholar) ?

并将其替换为空字符串。这里CCD_ 2用于使CCD_。



import re
s = 'Introduction The endocrine cells in the pancreatic islets of Langerhans secrete insulin and glucagon in response to glucose perturbations to maintain glucose homeostasis. The insulin-secreting beta cells exhibit morphological, functional, and molecular variations, suggesting that they may consist of sub-populations with specialized tasks and physiological responses (Gutierrez etal., 2017Gutierrez G.D. Gromada J. Sussel L. Heterogeneity of the pancreatic beta cell.Front. Genet. 2017; 8: 22CrossrefnPubMednScopus (11)nGoogle Scholar, Roscioni etal., 2016Roscioni S.S. Migliorini A. Gegg M. Lickert H. Impact of islet architecture on -cell heterogeneity, plasticity and function.Nat. Rev. Endocrinol. 2016; 12: 695-709CrossrefnPubMednScopus (36)nGoogle Scholar). Features of beta cell heterogeneity include glucose responsiveness and secretory activity ..... Visualizing transcripts in the pancreas, however, has been infeasible without the use of specialized techniques such as photoswitchable dyes (Cui etal., 2018Cui Y. Hu D. Markillie L.M. Chrisler W.B. Gaffrey M.J. Ansong C. Sussel L. Orr G. Fluctuation localization imaging-based fluorescence insitu hybridization (fliFISH) for accurate detection and counting of RNA copies in single cells.Nucleic Acids Res. 2018; 46: e7CrossrefnPubMednScopus (2)nGoogle Scholar). We have optimized the standard tissue smFISH protocol (Lyubimova etal., 2013Lyubimova A. Itzkovitz S. Junker J.P. Fan Z.P. Wu X. van Oudenaarden A. Single-molecule mRNA detection and counting in mammalian tissue.Nat. Protoc. 2013; 8: 1743-1758CrossrefnPubMednScopus (62)nGoogle Scholar) by substantially increasing the period of mRNA denaturation, which precedes the probe hybridization steps, from 5min to at least 3hr.'
replacedStr = re.sub(r'(?s)(.*?Google Scholar) ?','',s)



import re
if __name__ == '__main__':
source = """Introduction The endocrine cells in the pancreatic islets of Langerhans secrete insulin and glucagon in response to glucose perturbations to maintain glucose homeostasis. The insulin-secreting beta cells exhibit morphological, functional, and molecular variations, suggesting that they may consist of sub-populations with specialized tasks and physiological responses (Gutierrez etal., 2017Gutierrez G.D. Gromada J. Sussel L. Heterogeneity of the pancreatic beta cell.Front. Genet. 2017; 8: 22CrossrefnPubMednScopus (11)nGoogle Scholar, Roscioni etal., 2016Roscioni S.S. Migliorini A. Gegg M. Lickert H. Impact of islet architecture on -cell heterogeneity, plasticity and function.Nat. Rev. Endocrinol. 2016; 12: 695-709CrossrefnPubMednScopus (36)nGoogle Scholar). Features of beta cell heterogeneity include glucose responsiveness and secretory activity ..... Visualizing transcripts in the pancreas, however, has been infeasible without the use of specialized techniques such as photoswitchable dyes (Cui etal., 2018Cui Y. Hu D. Markillie L.M. Chrisler W.B. Gaffrey M.J. Ansong C. Sussel L. Orr G. Fluctuation localization imaging-based fluorescence insitu hybridization (fliFISH) for accurate detection and counting of RNA copies in single cells.Nucleic Acids Res. 2018; 46: e7CrossrefnPubMednScopus (2)nGoogle Scholar). We have optimized the standard tissue smFISH protocol (Lyubimova etal., 2013Lyubimova A. Itzkovitz S. Junker J.P. Fan Z.P. Wu X. van Oudenaarden A. Single-molecule mRNA detection and counting in mammalian tissue.Nat. Protoc. 2013; 8: 1743-1758CrossrefnPubMednScopus (62)nGoogle Scholar) by substantially increasing the period of mRNA denaturation, which precedes the probe hybridization steps, from 5min to at least 3hr."""
output = re.sub(' (.*? etal., .*?\nGoogle Scholar)', '', source, flags=re.DOTALL)


Introduction The endocrine cells in the pancreatic islets of Langerhans secrete insulin and glucagon in response to glucose perturbations to maintain glucose homeostasis. The insulin-secreting beta cells exhibit morphological, functional, and molecular variations, suggesting that they may consist of sub-populations with specialized tasks and physiological responses. Features of beta cell heterogeneity include glucose responsiveness and secretory activity ..... Visualizing transcripts in the pancreas, however, has been infeasible without the use of specialized techniques such as photoswitchable dyes. We have optimized the standard tissue smFISH protocol by substantially increasing the period of mRNA denaturation, which precedes the probe hybridization steps, from 5min to at least 3hr.


  1. 查找开始的(

  2. 查找[^()]+(?:([^()]+))?的重复,即一个或多个不是圆括号的字符,然后是一对可选的( ),其中一个或更多个字符不是圆括号。

  3. 寻找结束nGoogle Scholar)

  4. 拆分并连接空格以删除多个空格


import re
text = 'Introduction The endocrine cells in the pancreatic islets of Langerhans secrete insulin and glucagon in response to glucose perturbations to maintain glucose homeostasis. The insulin-secreting beta cells exhibit morphological, functional, and molecular variations, suggesting that they may consist of sub-populations with specialized tasks and physiological responses (Gutierrez etal., 2017Gutierrez G.D. Gromada J. Sussel L. Heterogeneity of the pancreatic beta cell.Front. Genet. 2017; 8: 22CrossrefnPubMednScopus (11)nGoogle Scholar, Roscioni etal., 2016Roscioni S.S. Migliorini A. Gegg M. Lickert H. Impact of islet architecture on -cell heterogeneity, plasticity and function.Nat. Rev. Endocrinol. 2016; 12: 695-709CrossrefnPubMednScopus (36)nGoogle Scholar). Features of beta cell heterogeneity include glucose responsiveness and secretory activity ..... Visualizing transcripts in the pancreas, however, has been infeasible without the use of specialized techniques such as photoswitchable dyes (Cui etal., 2018Cui Y. Hu D. Markillie L.M. Chrisler W.B. Gaffrey M.J. Ansong C. Sussel L. Orr G. Fluctuation localization imaging-based fluorescence insitu hybridization (fliFISH) for accurate detection and counting of RNA copies in single cells.Nucleic Acids Res. 2018; 46: e7CrossrefnPubMednScopus (2)nGoogle Scholar). We have optimized the standard tissue smFISH protocol (Lyubimova etal., 2013Lyubimova A. Itzkovitz S. Junker J.P. Fan Z.P. Wu X. van Oudenaarden A. Single-molecule mRNA detection and counting in mammalian tissue.Nat. Protoc. 2013; 8: 1743-1758CrossrefnPubMednScopus (62)nGoogle Scholar) by substantially increasing the period of mRNA denaturation, which precedes the probe hybridization steps, from 5min to at least 3hr.'
fixed_text = ' '.join(re.sub(r'((?:[^()]+(?:([^()]+))?)+nGoogle Scholar)', '', text).split())




fixed_text = re.sub(r' ?((?:[^()]+(?:([^()]+))?)+nGoogle Scholar)', '', string)

