



#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
typedef struct Lesson {
    char *name;
    int semester;
    float grade;
} Lesson;
typedef struct Student {
    char *name;
    char *surname;
    int id;
    int numberOfLessons;
    Lesson *lesson;
} Student;
typedef struct Database {
    int numberOfStudents;
    Student *student;
} StudentDB;
static int maxNameSize = 100;
static int autoclear = 0;
static int enableTimeout = 0;

void main() {
    system("color 02");
    system("@echo off");
    FILE *studentFile;
    StudentDB database;
    //add = { 0, NULL} ?
    studentFile = fopen("students.txt", "r+w");
    int numberOfStudents;
    //Set the number of students
    fscanf(studentFile, "%d", &database.numberOfStudents);
    //Prints the number of students
    printf("Number of students: %dn", database.numberOfStudents);
    //Set the memory allocation
    database.student = malloc(database.numberOfStudents * sizeof(Student));
    if(!database.student) {
        printf("The memory allocation has failed. Exiting the program!");
    //Read the students
    readData(studentFile, &database);   
    run(studentFile, &database);
Lesson addLesson() {
    Lesson lesson;
    lesson.name = malloc(maxNameSize * sizeof(char));
    if(!lesson.name) { printf("Memory Allocation has failed. Exiting the program!"); exit(0); }
    printf("tName of the lesson: ");
    scanf("%s", &lesson.name);
    printf("tSemester: ");
    scanf("%d", &lesson.semester);
    printf("tGrade: ");
    scanf("%f", &lesson.grade);
    return lesson;
void addStudent(StudentDB *database) {
    database->numberOfStudents = database->numberOfStudents + 1;
    printf("nAdded +1 to number of students, now is %dn", database->numberOfStudents);
    int numOfStudents = database->numberOfStudents;
    database->student = realloc(database->student, (numOfStudents + 1) * sizeof(Student));
    Student student;
    student.name = malloc(maxNameSize * sizeof(char));
    student.surname = malloc(maxNameSize * sizeof(char));
    if(!student.name) { printf("Memory Allocation has failed. Exiting the program!"); exit(0); }
    if(!student.surname) { printf("Memory Allocation has failed. Exiting the program!"); exit(0); }
    printf("tAdding a new Studentnn");
    printf("Name of the student: ");
    scanf("%s", student.name);
    printf("Surname of the student: ");
    scanf("%s", student.surname);
    printf("ID of the student: ");
    scanf("%s", &student.id);
    int numOfLessons;
    printf("How many classes does that student take: ");
    scanf("%d", &numOfLessons);
    int i;
    //Lesson lesson[numOfLessons];
    for(i = 0; i < numOfLessons; i++) {
        printf("Adding lesson %dn", i);
        student.lesson[i] = addLesson();
    printf("%d", numOfStudents);
//  displayStudent(student);
    database->student[numOfStudents - 1] = student;
void displayStudent(Student student) {
    printf("Displaying all the info for the student with ID: %dn", student.id);
    printf("tID: tt %d  n", student.id);
    printf("tFull Name:t %s %s n", student.name, student.surname);
    printf("tLessons :t %d n", student.numberOfLessons);
    printf("t  n");
    printf("ttDisplaying Lessonsn");
    int i;
    for(i = 0; i < student.numberOfLessons; i++) {
Student getStudentByID(StudentDB *database) {
    printf("Give us the ID of the student: ");
    int id;
    scanf("%d", &id);
    printf("Done saving the id: %dn", id);
    int i;
    for(i = 0; i < database->numberOfStudents; i++) {
        printf("Comparing %d and %dn", id, database->student[i].id);
        if(id == database->student[i].id) {
            printf("ID found, returning studentn");
            return database->student[i];
    Student student;
    student.name = malloc(4 * sizeof(char));
    student.name = "NULL";
    printf("ID not found, returning NULLn");
    return student;
//Successfully gets the lessons. Everything is fine here
Lesson getNextLesson(FILE *studentFile) {
    //Code to read the lesson..
    return lesson;
//Successfully gets a student and the lessons. Everything is fine here
Student getNextStudent(FILE *studentFile) {
    //Code to read the student..
    return student;
void run(FILE *studentFile, StudentDB *database) {
    int answer;
    //Menu and more code...
void readData(FILE *studentFile, StudentDB *db) {
    int i;
    printf("Running the loopn");
    for(i = 0; i < db->numberOfStudents; i++) {
        printf("=====================nntStudent #%dn", i);
        db->student[i] = getNextStudent(studentFile);
void swapStudents(Student *student1, Student *student2) {
    Student temp;
    temp = *student1;
    *student1 = *student2;
    *student2 = temp;





printf("ID of the student: ");
scanf("%s", &student.id);


printf("ID of the student: ");
scanf("%d", &student.id);
