为什么ActiveX命令按钮不能运行VBA UserForm中的所有代码

我是Excel VBA的新手,目前正在尝试Excel VBA项目。我创建了一个UserForm,允许用户通过填写UserForm中的字段将数据输入到Excel工作表中。我已经单独测试了所有代码,它们运行良好。




Private Sub cmdAddNewCustomer_Click()
Dim count As Long
Dim lastrow As Long
Dim lCustomerID As String
Dim ws As Worksheet
Set ws = Worksheets("Customer Data")
'find first empty row in database
lrow = ws.Cells.Find(what:="*", searchorder:=xlRows, _
Searchdirection:=xlPrevious, LookIn:=xlValues).Row + 1

lCustomerID = txtCustomerID
count = 0
With ws
For currentrow = 1 To lrow
If lCustomerID = Cells(currentrow, 1) Then
count = count + 1
End If

If count > 1 Then
.Cells(currentrow, 1).Value = ""
.Cells(currentrow, 2).Value = ""
.Cells(currentrow, 3).Value = ""
.Cells(currentrow, 4).Value = ""
.Cells(currentrow, 5).Value = ""
.Cells(currentrow, 6).Value = ""
.Cells(currentrow, 7).Value = ""
.Cells(currentrow, 8).Value = ""
.Cells(currentrow, 9).Value = ""
.Cells(currentrow, 10).Value = ""
.Cells(currentrow, 11).Value = ""
.Cells(currentrow, 12).Value = ""
.Cells(currentrow, 13).Value = ""
.Cells(currentrow, 14).Value = ""
MsgBox ("CustomerID already exists!")
End If

If count = 0 Then
.Cells(lrow, 1).Value = Me.txtCustomerID.Value
.Cells(lrow, 2).Value = Me.txtCustomerName.Value
.Cells(lrow, 3).Value = Me.cboCustomerStatus.Value
.Cells(lrow, 4).Value = Me.txtContactPerson.Value
.Cells(lrow, 5).Value = Me.cboDepartment.Value
.Cells(lrow, 6).Value = Me.txtPosition.Value
.Cells(lrow, 7).Value = Me.cboRoleType.Value
.Cells(lrow, 8).Value = Me.txtofficeHP1.Value
.Cells(lrow, 9).Value = Me.txtOfficeHP2.Value
.Cells(lrow, 10).Value = Me.txtMobileHP1.Value
.Cells(lrow, 11).Value = Me.txtMobileHP2.Value
.Cells(lrow, 12).Value = Me.txtEmail1.Value
.Cells(lrow, 13).Value = Me.txtEmail2.Value
.Cells(lrow, 14).Value = Me.txtEmail3.Value
End If
Next currentrow
End With
'clear the data
Me.txtCustomerName.Value = ""
Me.cboCustomerStatus.Value = ""
Me.txtContactPerson.Value = ""
Me.cboDepartment.Value = ""
Me.txtPosition.Value = ""
Me.cboRoleType.Value = ""
Me.txtofficeHP1.Value = ""
Me.txtOfficeHP2.Value = ""
Me.txtMobileHP1.Value = ""
Me.txtMobileHP2.Value = ""
Me.txtEmail1.Value = ""
Me.txtEmail2.Value = ""
Me.txtEmail3.Value = ""
End Sub


Sub FindCustomerID()
Dim lastrow
Dim lastnum As Long
Dim ws As Worksheet
Set ws = Worksheets("Customer Data")
If Me.cboCountry = "" Or Me.txtCustomerName = "" Then
Exit Sub
End If
serialno = 1
lastrow = ws.Cells(Rows.count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
CountryCode = UCase(Left(Me.cboCountry, 3))
CustomerCode = UCase(Left(Me.txtCustomerName, 10))
'assemble them into CustomerID
CustomerID = CountryCode & CustomerCode & serialno
For currentrow = 2 To lastrow
If CustomerID = Cells(currentrow, 1) Then
'find last number that applies
serialno = serialno + 1
End If
're-assign customerID with new serial number
CustomerID = CountryCode & CustomerCode & serialno
Next currentrow
Me.lblCustomerID = CustomerID
End Sub


Private Sub cmdNCustomerData_Click()
End Sub

您描述的问题的原因是缺少符合Cells(currentrow, 1)条件的.。因为您将ActiveX按钮添加到了不同的工作表,所以行

If lCustomerID = Cells(currentrow, 1) Then

访问该片材的CCD_ 3。要解决此问题,该范围需要使用.进行限定才能成为

If lCustomerID = .Cells(currentrow, 1) Then


If count = 0 Then
End If



Private Sub cmdAddNewCustomer_Click()
Dim count As Long
Dim lastrow As Long
Dim lCustomerID As String
Dim ws As Worksheet
Set ws = Worksheets("Customer Data")
'find first empty row in database
lrow = ws.Cells.Find(what:="*", searchorder:=xlRows, _
Searchdirection:=xlPrevious, LookIn:=xlValues).Row + 1

lCustomerID = txtCustomerID
count = 0
With ws
' Count backward to delete rows completely
For currentrow = lrow - 1 To 1 Step -1
If lCustomerID = .Cells(currentrow, 1) Then
count = count + 1
End If

If count > 1 Then
.Cells(currentrow, 1).Resize(1, 14).ClearContents
' Uncomment the following line to delete the whole row completely
End If

Next currentrow

If count > 1 Then
MsgBox (count - 1 " duplicates of CustomerID found and cleared!")
ElseIf count = 0 Then
.Cells(lrow, 1).Value = Me.txtCustomerID.Value
.Cells(lrow, 2).Value = Me.txtCustomerName.Value
.Cells(lrow, 3).Value = Me.cboCustomerStatus.Value
.Cells(lrow, 4).Value = Me.txtContactPerson.Value
.Cells(lrow, 5).Value = Me.cboDepartment.Value
.Cells(lrow, 6).Value = Me.txtPosition.Value
.Cells(lrow, 7).Value = Me.cboRoleType.Value
.Cells(lrow, 8).Value = Me.txtofficeHP1.Value
.Cells(lrow, 9).Value = Me.txtOfficeHP2.Value
.Cells(lrow, 10).Value = Me.txtMobileHP1.Value
.Cells(lrow, 11).Value = Me.txtMobileHP2.Value
.Cells(lrow, 12).Value = Me.txtEmail1.Value
.Cells(lrow, 13).Value = Me.txtEmail2.Value
.Cells(lrow, 14).Value = Me.txtEmail3.Value
End If
End With
'clear the data
Me.txtCustomerName.Value = ""
Me.cboCustomerStatus.Value = ""
Me.txtContactPerson.Value = ""
Me.cboDepartment.Value = ""
Me.txtPosition.Value = ""
Me.cboRoleType.Value = ""
Me.txtofficeHP1.Value = ""
Me.txtOfficeHP2.Value = ""
Me.txtMobileHP1.Value = ""
Me.txtMobileHP2.Value = ""
Me.txtEmail1.Value = ""
Me.txtEmail2.Value = ""
Me.txtEmail3.Value = ""
End Sub


If CustomerID = Cells(currentrow, 1) Then

由于Cells(currentrow, 1)不合格,因此应成为

If CustomerID = ws.Cells(currentrow, 1) Then


For currentrow = 2 To lastrow
If CustomerID = ws.Cells(currentrow, 1) Then
'find last number that applies
serialno = serialno + 1
're-assign customerID with new serial number
CustomerID = CountryCode & CustomerCode & serialno
End If
Next currentrow
