如何在mvc c#中实现第二个HttpPost

从我的WP8应用程序,我有一个按钮,发送文件到我的MVC WCF服务。问题是,我想要另一个按钮发送一个文件到服务,它对第二个文件做一些不同的事情。例如,我希望我的MVC是这样的:

public ActionResult Index()  
    foreach (string upload in Request.Files)  
        //do something with upload
public ActionResult Index()  
    foreach (string upload in Request.Files)  
        //do something with the second upload

我似乎不明白MVC如何区分分别上传的两个文件。它如何知道上传的文件将进入哪个ActionResult ?为了将上传的文件引导到预期的ActionResult,需要添加什么?


    private async void UploadFile()
        //byte[] picbyte = photoStream.ToArray();
        //photoStream.Read(picbyte, 0, System.Convert.ToInt32(photoStream.Length));
        //string connstr = @"Data Source=.SQLEXPRESS; Initial Catalog=ImageDB; Persist Security Info=True;User ID=sa";
        //SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(connstr);
                    // Make sure there is a picture selected           
                    if (photoStream != null)         
                        // initialize the client           
                        // need to make sure the server accepts network IP-based      
                        // requests.            
                        // ensure correct IP and correct port address           
                        var fileUploadUrl = @"http://localhost:54931/fileupload";            
                        var client = new HttpClient();             
                        // Reset the photoStream position           
                        // If you don't reset the position, the content lenght            
                        // sent will be 0           
                        photoStream.Position = 0;            
                        // This is the postdata           
                        MultipartFormDataContent content = new MultipartFormDataContent();        
                        content.Add(new StreamContent(photoStream), "file", fileName);           
                        // upload the file sending the form info and ensure a result.         
                        // it will throw an exception if the service doesn't return           
                        // a valid successful status code           
                        await client.PostAsync(fileUploadUrl, content)            
                            .ContinueWith((postTask) =>                 
                    // Disable the Upload button        
                    btnUpload.IsEnabled = false;         
                    // reset the image control           
                    imgSelectedImage.Source = null;         
                    // Display the Uploaded message       
                    txtMessage.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;     
                    // Display the Uploaded message      
                    txtError.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;    



