

我正在尝试扫描短语并使用字符串来存储它。然后使用for循环将string[i]每循环增加1,这样它就会检查字符串的每个地址。每次循环运行时,它都会将字符串值存储在INT a中,然后在if= else - if语句中检查是否匹配,并返回并打印该值。

# include <stdio.h>
void checkphrase ( char string[], int *px)
int i;
printf(" PHRASE ENTERED ISn %sn" , string[i]);
/* Prints the Phrase entered */
/* Start for loop to compare letters to the morse code equivalent */
for( i=0; i <= 30; i++) 
        px = string[i];     // pointer points the string value
        a = px;         // int a is assgined the value of px to be     compared to morsecode
        findmorse()     // calls function to compare morsecode
return 0;               // returns to main 
void findmorse (int a)
/* originoally had a = the aphpabet but converted to binary */
if (a == 01000001)
    Printf(" • —  n");
else if (a == 01000010)
    Printf(" — • • •  n");
else if (a == 01000011)
    Printf(" — • — •  n");
else if (a == 01000100)
    Printf(" — • •  n");
else if (a == 01000101)
    Printf(" •   n");
else if (a == 01000110)
    Printf(" • • — • n");
else if (a == 01000111)
    Printf(" — — •  n");
else if (a == 01001000)
    Printf(" • • • • n");
else if (a == 01001001)
    Printf(" • •  n");
else if (a == 01001010)
    Printf(" • — — —  n");
else if (a == 01001011)
    Printf(" — • —  n");
else if (a == 01001100)
    Printf(" • — • • n");
else if (a == 01001101)
    Printf(" — —  n");
else if (a == 01001110)
    Printf(" — •  n");
else if (a == 01001111)
    Printf(" — — —  n");
else if (a == 01010000)
    Printf(" • — — •  n");
else if (a == 01010001)
    Printf(" — — • —  n");
else if (a == 01010010)
    Printf(" • — •  n");
else if (a == 01010011)
    Printf(" • • •  n");
else if (a == 01010100)
    Printf(" —  n");
else if (a == 01010101)
    Printf(" • • —  n");
else if (a == 01010110)
    Printf(" • • • —  n");
else if (a == 01010111)
    Printf(" • --  n");
else if (a == 01011000)
    Printf(" -• • -  n");  
else if (a == 01011001)
    Printf(" -• --  n");
else if (a == 01011010)
    Printf(" --• •  n");
/* Numbers */
else if (a == 1)
    Printf(" · – – – –  n");
else if (a == 2)
    Printf(" · · – – –  n");
else if (a == 3)
    Printf(" · · · – –  n");
else if (a == 4)
    Printf(" · · · · –  n");
else if (a == 5)
    Printf(" · · · · · n");
else if (a == 6)
    Printf(" – · · · ·  n");
else if (a == 7)
    Printf(" – – · · ·  n");
else if (a == 8)
    Printf(" – – – · · n");    
else if (a == 9)
    Printf(" – – – – ·  n");
else if (a == 0)
    Printf(" – – – – –  n");
/* return to check phrase */
return string[};
int main()                          // main function
scanf(" %s " , string[]);
checkphrase ()                      // takes string to the    checkphrase function
return 0;


void findmorse (int a)


        px = string[i];     // pointer points the string value
        a = px;         // int a is assgined the value of px to be     compared to morsecode
        findmorse()     // calls function to compare morsecode


    scanf(" %s " , string[]);


checkphrase ()                      // takes string to the    checkphrase function

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