

def clean_up(s):
    """ (str) -> str
    Return a new string based on s in which all letters have been
    converted to lowercase and punctuation characters have been stripped 
    from both ends. Inner punctuation is left untouched. 
    >>> clean_up('Happy Birthday!!!')
    'happy birthday'
    >>> clean_up("-> It's on your left-hand side.")
    " it's on your left-hand side"
    punctuation = """!"',;:.-?)([]<>*#ntr"""
    result = s.lower().strip(punctuation)
    return result

##########  Complete the following functions. ############
def type_token_ratio(text):
    """ (list of str) -> float
    Precondition: text is non-empty. Each str in text ends with n and
    text contains at least one word.
    Return the Type Token Ratio (TTR) for this text. TTR is the number of
    different words divided by the total number of words.
    >>> text = ['James Fennimore Coopern', 'Peter, Paul, and Maryn',
        'James Goslingn']
    >>> type_token_ratio(text)
    # To do: Fill in this function's body to meet its specification.
    distinctwords = dict()
    words = 0
    for line in text.splitlines():
        line = line.strip().split()
        for word in line:
            if word in distinctwords:
    TTR= len(distinctwords)/words
    return TTR

您的代码甚至无法运行,for line in text.splitlines()试图拆分列表,您需要使用collections.defaultdict迭代传入的名为text的单词列表

 def type_token_ratio(text):
    from collections import defaultdict
    distinctwords = defaultdict(int)
    for words in text: # get each string
        words = clean_up(words) # clean the string 
        for word in words.split(): # split into individual words
            distinctwords[word] += 1 # increase the count for each word
    TTR = len(distinctwords) / sum(distinctwords.values()) #  sum(distinctwords.values()) will give total amount of words
    return TTR
