

并不是所有的按钮都用在所有的图纸上。它们写在一个子中,所以如果我不使用工作表上的选项按钮,Set shp会给我一个错误,因为它找不到按钮,除非我使用On Error Resume Next

我该如何摆脱On Error Resume Next?我想到了一些类似检查选项按钮是否存在的方法,并且只有当该按钮存在于工作表上但我无法使其工作时才使用Set shp

Private Sub ob(opt As String)
    Dim shp1 As Shape
    Dim shp2 As Shape
    Dim shp3 As Shape
    Dim shp4 As Shape
    Dim shp5 As Shape
    On Error Resume Next ' <-I want to get rid of this
    Set shp1 = ActiveSheet.Shapes("OptionButton1")
    Set shp2 = ActiveSheet.Shapes("OptionButton2")
    Set shp3 = ActiveSheet.Shapes("OptionButton3")
    Set shp4 = ActiveSheet.Shapes("OptionButton4")
    Set shp5 = ActiveSheet.Shapes("OptionButton5")
    Select Case xlOn
        Case shp1.ControlFormat.Value
            opt = "ob1"
        Case shp2.ControlFormat.Value
            opt = "ob2"
        Case shp3.ControlFormat.Value
            opt = "ob3"
        Case shp4.ControlFormat.Value
            opt = "ob4"
        Case shp5.ControlFormat.Value
            opt = "ob5"
    End Select
End Sub



Private Sub ob(opt As String)
    Dim shp1 As Shape
    Dim shp2 As Shape
    Dim shp3 As Shape
    Dim shp4 As Shape
    Dim shp5 As Shape        
For Each ws In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
    For Each shp In Worksheets(ws.Name).Buttons
        Select Case btn.Name
            Case "OptionButton1"
                Set shp1 = ActiveSheet.Shapes("OptionButton1")
            Case "OptionButton2"
                Set shp2 = ActiveSheet.Shapes("OptionButton2")
            Case "OptionButton3"
                Set shp3 = ActiveSheet.Shapes("OptionButton3")
            Case "OptionButton4"
                Set shp4 = ActiveSheet.Shapes("OptionButton4")
            Case "OptionButton5"
                Set shp5 = ActiveSheet.Shapes("OptionButton5")
        End Select
    Next shp
Next ws
Select Case xlOn
    Case shp1.ControlFormat.Value
        opt = "ob1"
    Case shp2.ControlFormat.Value
        opt = "ob2"
    Case shp3.ControlFormat.Value
        opt = "ob3"
    Case shp4.ControlFormat.Value
        opt = "ob4"
    Case shp5.ControlFormat.Value
        opt = "ob5"
End Select
End Sub


Select Case btn.Name


Public Sub AllShapesOnAllSheets()
For Each btn In ActiveSheet.OptionButtons
Select Case btn.Name
    Case "OptionButton1"
        If btn.Value = xlOn Then opt = "ob1"
    Case "OptionButton2"
        If btn.Value = xlOn Then opt = "ob2"
    Case "OptionButton3"
        If btn.Value = xlOn Then opt = "ob3"
    Case "OptionButton4"
        If btn.Value = xlOn Then opt = "ob4"
    Case "OptionButton5"
        If btn.Value = xlOn Then opt = "ob5"
End Select
Next btn
End Sub
