如何将字符串转换为具有相同内容的 byte[]

我想将字符串转换为具有相同内容的 byte[]。例我有:

String str = "abc";
byte[] bytes;
//I want to convert "str" to "bytes" that they have same content:
(code here)
//after, print bytes -> "abc".



byte[] convertToBytes= stuff.getBytes("UTF-8");
String newString = new String(convertToBytes, "UTF-8");

将一组字符串转换为 byte[] 数组

还可以在字符串 API 页面上学习

        String str = "abc";
        byte bytes[] = str.getBytes(); // Get the byte array
         for (byte b : bytes) {
            System.out.println("Byte is "+b);  //Iterate and print
        str = new String(bytes);   // Create String from byte array
        System.out.println("String is "+str);
