将小时舍入到最接近的一刻钟 SQL

我正在使用我们在SQL Server中创建的模拟数据进行练习。目标是首先获取员工工作的总小时数,然后将他们的工作时间四舍五入。


  • 0-15 分钟工作 - 四舍五入到 .25 小时
  • 工作 16-30 分钟 - 四舍五入至 .5 小时
  • 工作 31-45 分钟 - 四舍五入到 .75 小时
  • 工作 46-60 分钟 - 四舍五入到下一个整小时


Select datepart(week, Clockin) as Week, 
TranType as payType,
sum ( CAST(DATEDIFF(Minute, ClockIn, Clockout) AS FLOAT(2))/60 ) as NetHours 
From ConsolidatedHours
Group By Employee_ID, datepart(week, Clockin), TranType
Order By Employee_ID, TranType Asc


| week  | employee_id  | payType   | Nethours   | RoundedHours |
|   31  |        1025  | Overtime  | 6.700000   | 6.75         |
|   30  |        1025  | Standard  | 30.483332  | 30.50        |
|   31  |        1025  | Standard  | 20.333332  | 20.50        |
|   31  |        1077  | Overtime  | 9.416666   | 9.50         |


When Cast( Substring( Cast( NetHours as nvarchar) , Patindex('%[^0-9]%'  ,  NetHours ) , 2) as int) Between 0 and 25 
Then Concat( substring(NetHours , 1 , Patindex('%[^0-9]%' , NetHours) ) , '25')
When Cast( Substring( Cast( NetHours as nvarchar) , Patindex('%[^0-9]%' , NetHours) , 2) as int) Between 26 and 50 
Then Concat( substring(NetHours , 1 , Patindex('%[^0-9]%' , NetHours) ) , '50')
When Cast( Substring( Cast( NetHours as nvarchar) , Patindex('%[^0-9]%' ,NetHours) , 2) as int) Between 51 and 75 
Then Concat( substring(NetHours , 1 , Patindex('%[^0-9]%' , NetHours) ) , '75')
When Cast( Substring( Cast( NetHours as nvarchar) , Patindex('%[^0-9]%' , NetHours) , 2) as int) Between 76 and 99
Then Concat( substring(NetHours , 1 , Patindex('%[^0-9]%' , NetHours) ) , '00')
End As RoundedHours


select sum(datediff(second, ClockIn, Clockout) / (60.0 * 60)) as net_hours,
convert(numeric(10, 2),
floor( (0.24 + sum(datediff(second, ClockIn, Clockout)) / (60.0 * 60) * 4
) / 4
