如果未找到匹配的记录,请通知用户 - Coldfusion



<cfset result = {} /> 
<cfset date1 = CREATEODBCDATETIME(form.StartDate & '00:00:00')>
<cfset date2 = CREATEODBCDATETIME(form.EndDate & '23:59:59')>
<cfquery datasource="#application.dsn#" name="GetEmployeeInfo">
SELECT  trans_location, date, associate
FROM    cl_checklists
WHERE   date >=  <cfqueryparam value="#date1#" cfsqltype="cf_sql_timestamp" />
AND date <= <cfqueryparam value="#date2#" cfsqltype="cf_sql_timestamp" />
AND trans_location IN ( <cfqueryparam value="#FORM.location#" cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar" list="true" />  )
AND associate IN ( <cfqueryparam value="#FORM.EmployeeName#" cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar" list="true" />  )
<cfquery datasource="#application.dsn#" name="GetLocationInfo">
SELECT  trans_location, date, associate
FROM    cl_checklists
WHERE   date >=  <cfqueryparam value="#date1#" cfsqltype="cf_sql_timestamp" />
AND date <= <cfqueryparam value="#date2#" cfsqltype="cf_sql_timestamp" />
AND trans_location IN ( <cfqueryparam value="#FORM.location#" cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar" list="true" />  )
<cffunction name="getop_id" access="public" returntype="string"> 
<cfargument name="associate"  > 
<cfquery name="spitOutop_id" datasource="#application.userinfo_dsn#"> 
SELECT assoc_name 
FROM dbo.tco_associates 
WHERE assoc_id= #arguments.associate# 
<cfreturn spitOutop_id.assoc_name > 
<cfquery name="allAssociatesQry" dbtype="query">
SELECT DISTINCT associate, COUNT(*) AS associateCount FROM GetEmployeeInfo GROUP BY associate ORDER BY associate 
<table border="1" id="Checklist_Stats">
<th><strong>Associate Name</strong></th>
<th><strong>Checklists Generated by Associate</strong></th>
<th><strong>Checklists Generated by Selected Location(s)</strong></th>
<th><strong>Associate Percentage of Location Total</strong></th>   
<!--- aggregate variables --->
<cfset aggrAssociateChecklist = 0>
<cfset aggrLocationChecklist = 0>
<cfloop query="allAssociatesQry">
<!--- get Associate's name --->
<cfset thisAssociateCode = trim(allAssociatesQry.associate)>
<cfset thisAssociateName = getop_id(thisAssociateCode) />
<!--- 1.1 get all trans_location code and total counts for the current Associate --->
<cfquery name="allLocCodeForAssociateQry" dbtype="query">
SELECT trans_location,count(trans_location) AS locCntr FROM GetEmployeeInfo WHERE associate='#thisAssociateCode#' GROUP BY trans_location ORDER BY trans_location
<!--- 1.2 get the aggregate of checklist count generated by the current Associate for each location --->
<cfquery name="qTotalChecklistCountForAssociate" dbtype="query">
SELECT SUM(locCntr) AS totalAssocChecklist FROM allLocCodeForAssociateQry 
<!--- 2.1 get the total location checklist for each location available for the current Associate --->
<cfquery name="allLocChecklistForAssociateQry" dbtype="query">
SELECT trans_location,count(trans_location) AS totalLocCount FROM GetLocationInfo WHERE trans_location IN (#QuotedValueList(allLocCodeForAssociateQry.trans_location)#) GROUP BY trans_location ORDER BY trans_location
<!--- 2.2 get the aggregate of location checklist generated by the current Associate --->
<cfquery name="qTotalLocChecklistForAssociate" dbtype="query">
SELECT SUM(totalLocCount) AS totalLocChecklist FROM allLocChecklistForAssociateQry
<!--- display record for the current Associate --->
<cfoutput query="allLocCodeForAssociateQry">
<td>#NumberFormat((allLocCodeForAssociateQry.locCntr/allLocChecklistForAssociateQry['totalLocCount'][CurrentRow]) * 100, '9.99')#%</td>
<cfset thisAssociateName = "" />
<!--- 3.1 get sub total for each Associate group --->
<cfset totalAssocChecklist = qTotalChecklistCountForAssociate.totalAssocChecklist>
<cfset totalLocChecklist = qTotalLocChecklistForAssociate.totalLocChecklist>
<!--- 3.2 add to the aggregate --->
<cfset aggrAssociateChecklist += totalAssocChecklist>
<cfset aggrLocationChecklist += totalLocChecklist>
<!--- display sub total for each Associate group --->
<td>Associate Total</td>
<td>#NumberFormat((totalAssocChecklist/totalLocChecklist) * 100, '9.99')#%</td>
<!--- display calculated aggregate at the end of the result --->
<!--- <cfoutput>
<td>#NumberFormat((aggrAssociateChecklist/aggrLocationChecklist) * 100, '9.99')#%</td>
<cfcatch type="any"> 
<cfset result.error = CFCATCH.message > 
<cfset result.detail = CFCATCH.detail > 


我试图为结果做一个捕获,如果有 0 做某事但没有成功。是否有任何冷聚变大师愿意帮助我如何在查询返回空时提醒用户。


<cfif #allAssociatesQry# is 0>
<cfif #allAssociatesQry# is null>
<cfif #allAssociatesQry# is "">
<cfif allAssociatesQry is 0>
<cfif allAssociatesQry is null>
<cfif allAssociatesQry is "">

不要使用 try/catch。 这适用于无法成功运行的代码。 您所需要的只是:

<cfquery name="q">
<cfif q.recordcount is 0>
code for no records
display records
