Win32com、Python 和 AutoCAD 的变体错误


from comtypes.client import *
from comtypes.automation import *
import win32com.client
acad = GetActiveObject("AutoCAD.Application")
doc = acad.ActiveDocument
SSet = doc.SelectionSets[0]
FilterType = win32com.client.VARIANT(VT_ARRAY|VT_I2, [8]) 
FilterData = win32com.client.VARIANT(VT_ARRAY|VT_VARIANT, ["Layer1"])
SSet.Select(5, FilterType, FilterData)

select 命令会轰炸并显示以下错误消息:

ArgumentError: argument 2: <class 'TypeError'>: Cannot put win32com.client.VARIANT(8194, [8]) in VARIANT





我相信您实际上也可以使用SendCommand来操作选择集。(类似于 Autolisp 中的(command "ssget"))我个人发现这个解决方案更容易解决。

# I personally had better luck with comtypes than with win32com
import comtypes.client
# Get an active instance of AutoCAD
app = comtypes.client.GetActiveObject('AutoCAD.Application', dynamic=True)
except WindowsError: # No active instance found, create a new instance.
app = comtypes.client.CreateObject('AutoCAD.Application', dynamic=True)
# if you receive dispatch errors on the line after this one, a sleep call can
# help so it's not trying to dispatch commands while AutoCAD is still starting up.
# you could put it in a while statement for a fuller solution
app.Visible = True
doc = app.ActiveDocument
# if you get the best interface on an object, you can investigate its properties with 'dir()'
m = comtypes.client.GetBestInterface(doc.ModelSpace)
handle_string = 'select'
for entity in m:
if entity.Layer == 'Layer1':
handle_string += ' (handent "'+entity.Handle+'")'
handle_string += 'nn'

在 VBA 引用中,签名为:

object.Select Mode[, Point1][, Point2][, FilterType][, FilterData]


SSet.Select(5, None,  None,  FilterType, FilterData)
