

l = ['a1', 'b1', 'a2', 'a3', 'b2', 'b3']



# original list
l = ['a1', 'b1', 'a2', 'a3', 'b2', 'b3']
# sublists which need to be processed separately
sl1 = [item for item in l if item.startswith('a')]
sl2 = [item for item in l if not item.startswith('a')]
# expensive call to server
f1 = lambda l: [x + '_calc1' for x in l ]
f2 = lambda l: [x + '_calc2' for x in l ]
sr1 = f1(sl1)
sr2 = f2(sl2)
# rebuild list according to original order
a = iter(sr1)
b = iter(sr2)
l_result = [next(a) if x.startswith('a') else next(b) for x in l]
# >> ['a1_calc1', 'b1_calc2', 'a2_calc1', 'a3_calc1', 'b2_calc2', 'b3_calc2']



l = original_list
type_1 = [(i, x) for i,x in enumerate(l) if condition_type_1(x)]
type_2 = [(i, x) for i,x in enumerate(l) if condition_type_2(x)]
response_1 = server_request_1([x[1] for x in type_1])
response_2 = server_request_2([x[1] for x in type_2])
response_1 = [(tp[0], resp) for tp, resp in zip(type_1, response_1)]
response_2 = [(tp[0], resp) for tp, resp in zip(type_2, response_2)]
response = response_1 + response_2
response = sorted(response, key=lambda k:k[0])
response = [x[1] for x in response]


l = ['a1', 'b1', 'a2', 'a3', 'b2', 'b3']
e = [(idx,item) for (idx,item) in enumerate(l)]
sl1 = [item for item in e if item[1].startswith('a')]
sl2 = [item for item in e if not item[1].startswith('a')]
# expensive call to server
f1 = lambda l: [x[1] + '_calc1' for x in l ]
f2 = lambda l: [x[1] + '_calc2' for x in l ]
sr1 = f1(sl1)
sr2 = f2(sl2)
l_result = [None] * len(l)
for idx,item in enumerate(sr1):
idx,_ = sl1[idx]
l_result[idx] = item

for idx,item in enumerate(sr2):
idx,_ = sl2[idx]
l_result[idx] = item
