HTML / CSS - 自动填充的可折叠元素


相反,我希望在他们的位置上折叠。但是,我希望从按钮上方的文本中看到 2-3 个句子,其余部分可折叠。

<button data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#demo">Collapsible</button>
<div id="demo" class="collapse">TEXT I WANT COLLAPSED</div>

最好的方法是什么?关键是我不想手动选择哪些文本进入可折叠对象,哪些文本不 - 我正在寻找一种自动创建这对元素的方法。



<div ng-repeat="item in items">
<p class="container" ng-class="{'show': item.visible}">{{item.text}}</p>
<button ng-click="item.visible = !item.visible">Show more</button>


$scope.items = [
{allShown: false, text: 'long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows'},
{allShown: false, text: 'other long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows'},
{allShown: false, text: 'another long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows long text that overflows'}


.container {
height: 32px;
overflow: hidden;
.show {
overflow: visible;
height: auto;

下面是一个示例 plunker:
