


Sub SomeSub()
    Dim StartWord As String, EndWord As String
    Dim Find1stRange As Range, FindEndRange As Range
    Dim DelRange As Range, DelStartRange As Range, DelEndRange As Range
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    Application.DisplayAlerts = False
    'Setting up the Ranges
    Set Find1stRange = ActiveDocument.Range
    Set FindEndRange = ActiveDocument.Range
    Set DelRange = ActiveDocument.Range
    'Set your Start and End Find words here to cleanup the script
    StartWord = "From: Research.TA@traditionanalytics.com|Tradition Analytics Commentary| | |"
    EndWord = "This message has been scanned for malware by Websense. www.websense.com"
    'Starting the Find First Word
    With Find1stRange.Find
        .Text = StartWord
        .Replacement.Text = ""
        .Forward = True
        .Wrap = wdFindAsk
        .Format = False
        .MatchCase = False
        .MatchWholeWord = False
        .MatchWildcards = False
        .MatchSoundsLike = False
        .MatchAllWordForms = False
        'Execute the Find
        Do While .Execute
            'If Found then do extra script
            If .Found = True Then
                'Setting the Found range to the DelStartRange
                Set DelStartRange = Find1stRange
                'Having these Selections during testing is benificial to test your script
                'Setting the FindEndRange up for the remainder of the document form the end of the StartWord
                FindEndRange.Start = DelStartRange.End
                FindEndRange.End = ActiveDocument.Content.End
                'Having these Selections during testing is benificial to test your script
                'Setting the Find to look for the End Word
                With FindEndRange.Find
                    .Text = EndWord
                    'If Found then do extra script
                    If .Found = True Then
                        'Setting the Found range to the DelEndRange
                        Set DelEndRange = FindEndRange
                        'Having these Selections during testing is benificial to test your script
                    End If
                End With
                'Selecting the delete range
                DelRange.Start = DelStartRange.Start
                DelRange.End = DelEndRange.End
                'Having these Selections during testing is benificial to test your script
                'Remove comment to actually delete
            End If      'Ending the If Find1stRange .Found = True
        Loop        'Ending the Do While .Execute Loop 
    End With    'Ending the Find1stRange.Find With Statement
End Sub

哈!这是一个新的转折 当然不止一种方法可以做到这一点;我倾向于使用(至少)三个范围。像这样:

Sub FindAndDeleteEverythingElse()
  Dim strFind1 As String, strFind2 As String
  Dim rngDoc As word.Range, rngFind1 As word.Range
  Dim rngFind2 As word.Range
  Dim bFound As Boolean
  strFind1 = "You"
  strFind2 = "directly."
  Set rngDoc = ActiveDocument.content
  Set rngFind1 = rngDoc.Duplicate
  Set rngFind2 = rngDoc.Duplicate
  With rngFind1.Find
    .Text = strFind1
    bFound = .Execute
  End With
  If bFound Then
    With rngFind2.Find
        .Text = strFind2
        bFound = .Execute
    End With
    If bFound Then
        rngDoc.End = rngFind1.Start
        rngDoc.Start = rngFind2.End
        rngDoc.End = ActiveDocument.content.End
    End If
  End If
End Sub

"主要"范围是整个文档的范围:ActiveDocument.Content 。Range 对象与其他对象略有不同,如果将一个 Range 设置为另一个 Range,则它将成为该 Range,而不是副本。因此,您需要Duplicate方法来复制范围。这使您可以为各种范围独立使用Find


您可能需要设置比我在此代码片段中设置更多的 Range.Find 属性 - 我使用了绝对最小值以使使用范围更清晰。


With ActiveDocument.Range
    With .Find
      .Forward = True
      .Wrap = wdFindContinue
      .Format = False
      .MatchWildcards = False
      .Text = "From: Research.TA@traditionanalytics.com|Tradition Analytics Commentary| | |"
      .Replacement.Text = "From: Research.TA@traditionanalytics.com|Tradition Analytics Commentary| | |######"
      .Execute Replace:=wdReplaceAll
      .Text = "This message has been scanned for malware by Websense. www.websense.com"
      .Replacement.Text = "@@@@@@This message has been scanned for malware by Websense. www.websense.com"
      .Execute Replace:=wdReplaceAll
    End With
End With
End Sub
然后尝试在 ### 和 @@@@@

@@ 之间设置范围

这是设置范围的最佳答案 从一个Word文档中选择一个文本范围并复制到另一个Word文档中

请注意,在我的单词2007中,无法在超链接中找到。在进行替换之前,请尝试删除所有超链接或在范围内。另一个最佳答案:如何从Microsoft Word文档中删除超链接?
