在 Java 中打印一个星号矩形

以下是打印完全由星号 (*( 组成的矩形的源代码,还包括一个测试类。

import javax.swing.JOptionPane ;
 * A class to print block rectangles.
class RectanglePrinter
    // instance var's
    int height ;            // height of rectangle (i.e. number of segments)    
    int width ;             // width of each segment(i.e. number of "*"s printed) 
     * Create a RectanglePrinter object.
     * @param height height of rectangle (i.e., number of lines to print)
     * @param width width of rectangle (i.e., number of '*'s per line
    public RectanglePrinter(int height, int width)  // constructor
        this.height = height ;
        this.width = width ;
     * Prints one line of a rectangle, by printing exactly "width" asterisks
    public void printSegment()
        // write the body of this method here

     * Prints a rectangle exactly "height" lines in height.  Each line is 
     * printed via a call to method printSegment
    public void printRectangle()
        System.out.println("Printing a " + height + " x " + width + " rectangle:") ;
        // write the body of this method here

}  // end of class rectanglePrinter definition
public class RectanglePrinterTest
    public static void main (String [] args)
        String input = JOptionPane.showInputDialog
                                   ("What is the height of the rectangle?") ;
        int height = Integer.parseInt(input) ;
        input = JOptionPane.showInputDialog
                            ("What is the width of the rectangle?") ;
        int width = Integer.parseInt(input) ;
        RectanglePrinter r = new RectanglePrinter(height, width) ;
        System.out.println() ;
        r.printRectangle() ;
        System.out.println() ;

在它说要填写方法主体的片段中,我被指示使用 for 循环来打印星号。我想我对如何做printSegment((方法有一个基本的想法:

for (int w = 1; w <= width; w++)

但是从那里开始,我不确定在printRectangle方法中该做什么。从代码中的注释来看,我认为我应该在调用 printSegment 方法的 printRectangle 方法中编写一个 for 循环,除了我认为你不能在另一个方法的主体中调用 void 方法。对此的任何帮助将不胜感激。



for (int h = 1; h <= height; h++)


Printing a 6 x 7 rectangle:


更新 #2。


import javax.swing.JOptionPane ;
 * A class to print block rectangles.
class RectanglePrinter
    // instance var's
    int height ;            // height of rectangle (i.e. number of segments)    
    int width ;             // width of each segment(i.e. number of "*"s printed) 
     * Create a RectanglePrinter object.
     * @param height height of rectangle (i.e., number of lines to print)
     * @param width width of rectangle (i.e., number of '*'s per line
    public RectanglePrinter(int height, int width)  // constructor
        this.height = height ;
        this.width = width ;
     * Prints one line of a rectangle, by printing exactly "width" asterisks
    public void printSegment()
        // write the body of this method here
                for (int w = 1; w <= width; w++)
                    for (int h = 1; h <= height; h++)

     * Prints a rectangle exactly "height" lines in height.  Each line is 
     * printed via a call to method printSegment
    public void printRectangle()
        System.out.println("Printing a " + height + " x " + width + " rectangle:") ;
        // write the body of this method here

}  // end of class rectanglePrinter definition
public class RectanglePrinterTest
    public static void main (String [] args)
        String input = JOptionPane.showInputDialog
                                   ("What is the height of the rectangle?") ;
        int height = Integer.parseInt(input) ;
        input = JOptionPane.showInputDialog
                            ("What is the width of the rectangle?") ;
        int width = Integer.parseInt(input) ;
        RectanglePrinter r = new RectanglePrinter(height, width) ;
        System.out.println() ;
        r.printRectangle() ;
        System.out.println() ;

差异:我在 printSegment(( 方法的主体中添加了一个嵌套的 for 循环,而不是使用 System.out.println("*"); ,在最内层循环中使用System.out.print("*"),在外循环中使用System.out.println(),这导致 5 x 7 输入的以下输出:

Printing a 5 x 7 rectangle:


若要在内部调用 printSegment 方法printRectangle只需编写printSegment();即可调用它。

由于它在同一类中,因此您只需调用它即可。如果它是从另一个类调用的,您可以使用r.printRectangle();检查 main 方法调用printRectangle RectanglePrinterTest rRectanglePrinter类的实例。

由于它是一个 void 方法,它不会返回任何内容,因此您无需执行任何其他操作。 :)


您需要使用 "" 字符串打印新行。每次完成宽度或行命令时,它都应打印""。


赫尔辛基CS MOOC(http://mooc.cs.helsinki.fi/(在其学习Java课程中介绍了这项任务。

public class MoreStars {
    public static void main(String[] args) {    
        printRectangle(10, 6);
    public static void printRectangle(int width, int height) {
        int i;
        int j;
        for ( i = 0; i < height; i++ ) {
            for ( j = 0; j < width; j++) {
    public static void printStars(int amount) {   
        System.out.print(" * ");


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