

首先,让我来设置场景。我们正在处理两种类型的对象Documents和Collections of Documents。文档集合实际上包含对文档的引用以及每个文档的一些元数据。


  1. 锁定集合
  2. 使用Collection做有用的事情
  3. 锁定文档
  4. 使用集合和文档做有用的事情
  5. 解锁文档
  6. 解锁收藏


Collection col = null;
try {
col = getCollection("col1 name", LockMode.WRITE_LOCK);
// Here we do any operations that only require the Collection
Document doc = null;
try {
doc = col.getDocument("doc1 name", LockMode.WRITE_LOCK);
// Here we do some operations on the document (of the Collection)
} finally {
if (doc != null) {
} finally {
if (col != null) {


try (final Collection col = getCollection("col1 name", LockMode.WRITE_LOCK)) {
// Here we do any operations that only require the Collection
try (final Document doc = col.getDocument("doc1 name", LockMode.WRITE_LOCK)) {
// Here we do some operations on the document (of the Collection)



  1. 锁定集合
  2. 使用Collection做有用的事情
  3. 锁定文档
  4. 做任何需要收集和文档的事情(罕见)
  5. 解锁收藏
  6. 使用文档做有用的事情
  7. 解锁文档


Collection col = null;
Document doc = null;
try {
col = getCollection("col1 name", LockMode.WRITE_LOCK);
// Here we do any operations that only require the Collection
try {
doc = col.getDocument("doc1 name", LockMode.WRITE_LOCK);
// Here we do any operations that require both the Collection and Document (rare).
} finally {
if (col != null) {
// Here we do some operations on the document (of the Collection)
} finally {
if (doc != null) {


try (final ManagedRelease<Collection> mcol =
new ManagedRelease<>(getCollection("col1 name", LockMode.WRITE_LOCK))) {
// Here we do any operations that only require the Collection
try (final ManagedRelease<Document> mdoc =
mcol.withAsymetrical(mcol.resource.getDocument("doc1 name", LockMode.WRITE_LOCK))) {
// Here we do any operations that require both the Collection and Document (rare).
}  // NOTE: Collection is released here
// Here we do some operations on the document (of the Collection)
}  // NOTE: Document is released here


private static class ManagedRelease<T extends AutoCloseable> implements AutoCloseable {
final T resource;
private Supplier<Optional<Exception>> closer;
public ManagedRelease(final T resource) {
this.resource = resource;
this.closer = asCloserFn(resource);
private ManagedRelease(final T resource, final Supplier<Optional<Exception>> closer) {
this.resource = resource;
this.closer = closer;
public <U extends AutoCloseable> ManagedRelease<U> withAsymetrical(final U otherResource) {
// switch the closers of ManagedRelease<T> and ManagedRelease<U>
final ManagedRelease<U> asymManagedResource = new ManagedRelease<>(otherResource, closer);
this.closer = asCloserFn(otherResource);
return asymManagedResource;
public void close() throws Exception {
final Optional<Exception> maybeEx = closer.get();
if(maybeEx.isPresent()) {
throw maybeEx.get();
private static Supplier<Optional<Exception>> asCloserFn(final AutoCloseable autoCloseable) {
return () -> {
try {
return Optional.empty();
} catch (final Exception e) {
return Optional.of(e);




try (final Collection col = getCollection("col1 name", LockMode.WRITE_LOCK)) {
// Here we do any operations that only require the Collection
try (final Document doc = col.getDocument("doc1 name", LockMode.WRITE_LOCK)) {
// Here we do any operations that require both the Collection and Document (rare).

// NOTE: usually Collection is released here
// optionally make `col` not final and explicitly set it to `null`
// here so IDE would notify you about any usage after this point
// Here we do some operations on the document (of the Collection)




public static void sample() {
Resource resourceA = new Resource("A");
Resource resourceB = new Resource("B");
.lock()// lock A
.doOnValue(Main::doSomething)// do for A
.with(resourceB)// join with B
.lock()// lock A & B (A has been locked)
.doOnBoth(Main::doSomething)// do for A and B
.toRight()// only need B (unlock A)
.doOnValue(Main::doSomething)// do for B
.close();// unlock B
private static void doSomething(Resource... rs) {
System.out.println("do with: " + Arrays.toString(rs));


lock: Resource(A)
do with: [Resource(A)]
lock: Resource(B)
do with: [Resource(A), Resource(B)]
unlock: Resource(A)
do with: [Resource(B)]
unlock: Resource(B)


public interface Lockable extends AutoCloseable {
void lock() throws Exception;
void unlock() throws Exception;
boolean isLocked();
default void close() throws Exception {



import io.reactivex.functions.Consumer;
public class LockVisitor<T extends Lockable> implements AutoCloseable {
public static <T extends Lockable> LockVisitor<T> create(T lockable) {
return new LockVisitor<>(lockable);
T value;
Exception error;
public LockVisitor(T value);
public LockVisitor<T> lock();
public LockVisitor<T> unlock();
public LockVisitor<T> doOnValue(Consumer<T> func);
public LockVisitor<T> doOnError(Consumer<Exception> func);
public <B extends Lockable> TwoLockVisitor<T, B> with(LockVisitor<B> other);
public <B extends Lockable> TwoLockVisitor<T, B> with(B other);


import io.reactivex.functions.BiConsumer;
import io.reactivex.functions.Consumer;
public class TwoLockVisitor<A extends Lockable, B extends Lockable> {
public static <A extends Lockable, B extends Lockable> TwoLockVisitor<A, B> create(A a, B b) {
return new TwoLockVisitor<>(LockVisitor.create(a), LockVisitor.create(b));
LockVisitor<A> left;
LockVisitor<B> right;
public TwoLockVisitor(LockVisitor<A> left, LockVisitor<B> right);
public TwoLockVisitor<A, B> lock();
public TwoLockVisitor<A, B> unlock();
public TwoLockVisitor<A, B> doOnLeft(Consumer<A> func);
public TwoLockVisitor<A, B> doOnRight(Consumer<B> func);
public TwoLockVisitor<A, B> doOnBoth(BiConsumer<A, B> func);
public LockVisitor<A> toLeft();
public LockVisitor<B> toRight();



try (final Collection col = getCollection("col1 name", LockMode.WRITE_LOCK)) {
// Here we do any operations that only require the Collection
try (final Collection col = getCollection("col1 name", LockMode.WRITE_LOCK;
final Document doc = col.getDocument("doc1 name", LockMode.WRITE_LOCK)) {
// Here we do any operations that require both the Collection and Document (rare).
try (final Document doc = col.getDocument("doc1 name", LockMode.WRITE_LOCK)) {
// Here we do some operations on the document (of the Collection)



// The lambdas here are Supplier
try (final ReleaseManager<Collection> colManager = new ReleaseManager<>(() -> getCollection("col1 name", LockMode.WRITE_LOCK);
final ReleaseManager<Document> docManager = new ReleaseManager<>(() -> colManager.getResource().get().getDocument("doc1 name", LockMode.WRITE_LOCK)) {
try (final Managed<Collection> colManaged = colManager.getResource()) {
// Here we do any operations that only require the Collection
} // Here the resource close does nothing
try (final Managed<Collection> colManaged = colManager.getResourceForLastUse();
final Managed<Document> docManaged = docManager.getResource()) {
// Here we do any operations that require both the Collection and Document (rare).
} // Here the close of colManaged actually closes it, while docManaged.close() is a no-op
try (final Managed<Document> docManaged = docManager.getResourceForLastUse()) {
// Here we do some operations on the document (of the Collection)
} // Here the document gets closed
} // Here the managers get closed, which would close their resources if needed

这与在每个块中使用哪些资源具有相同的清晰度,使用try with resources语言功能,在上次使用后立即释放每个资源,并且只获取每个锁一次。




