

<meta property="og:title" content="<?php echo $title; ?>" />
<meta property="og:description" content="<?php echo $description; ?>" />
<meta property="og:type" content="article" />
<meta property="og:url" content="http://xxxxxxxx?profile.php?id=<?php echo $id;?>"/>
<meta property="og:image" content="<?php echo $imagename;?>" />
<meta property="og:site_name" content="xxxxxxxxx" />
<meta property="fb:admins" content="xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" />
<div id="fb-root"></div>
<script>(function(d, s, id) {
var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];
if (d.getElementById(id)) {return;}
js = d.createElement(s); js.id = id;
js.src = "//connect.facebook.net/en_US/all.js#xfbml=1";
fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs);
}(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk'));</script>
<div class="fb-like" data-href="http://xxxxxxxxx/profile.php?id=<?php echo $id; ?>;" data-send="true" data-width="450" data-show-faces="true"></div>

1) facebook喜欢从我的索引页和facebook调试器中获取内容,我得到错误:

 Inferred Property: The og:url property should be explicitly provided, even if a value can be inferred from other tags.
 Inferred Property: The og:title property should be explicitly provided, even if a value can be inferred from other tags.
Inferred Property:  The og:image property should be explicitly provided, even if a value can be inferred from other tags.
Inferred Property:  The og:locale property should be explicitly provided, even if a value can be inferred from other tags. 

2) facebook admin number is ok

3) PHP生成内容ok。我检查了浏览器中的页面代码

有什么建议吗? ?


In addition, we've extended the basic meta data to add a required field to connect your webpage with Facebook:
fb:app_id - A Facebook Platform application ID that administers this page.


