


class Document {
    public $value = array();
    function __construct($doc = array()) {        
        $this->value = $doc;
    /** User defined functions here **/
class Collection extends Document {
    //initialize database    
    function __construct() {            
        global $mongo;        
        $this->db = Collection::$DB_NAME;
    //select collection in database
    public function changeCollection($name) {
        $this->collection = $this->db->selectCollection($name);
    //user defined method
    public function findOne($query = array(), $projection = array()) {
        $doc = $this->collection->findOne($query, $projection);
        return isset($doc) ? new Document($doc) : false;
    public function find($query = array(), $projection = array()) {
        $result = array();
        $cur = $this->collection->find($query, $projection);
        foreach($cur as $doc) {
            array_push($result, new Document($doc));
        return $result;
    /* Other user defined methods will go here */
/* Factory class for collection */
class CollectionFactory {
    private static $engine;
    private function __construct($name) {}    
    private function __destruct() {}
    private function __clone() {}
    public static function invokeMethod($collection, $name, $params) {
        static $initialized = false;
        if (!$initialized) {
            self::$engine = new Collection($collection);
            $initialized = true;
        return call_user_func_array(array(self::$engine, $name), $params);
/* books collection */
class Books extends CollectionFactory {    
    public static function __callStatic($name, $params) {
        return parent::invokeMethod('books', $name, $params);
/* authors collection */
class Authors extends CollectionFactory {    
    public static function __callStatic($name, $params) {
        return parent::invokeMethod('authors', $name, $params);
/* How to use */
$books = Books::findOne(array('name' => 'Google'));
$authors = Authors::findOne(array('name' => 'John'));
Authors::update(array('name' => 'John'), array('name' => 'John White'));
Authors::remove(array('name' => 'John'));


  1. 这是工厂方法的正确PHP实现吗
  2. 这种实施是否存在任何问题
  3. 对于这种情况,有没有更好的方法


  1. 嗯,不,因为通过您的代码段,您可以使集合类上的所有方法都可用于静态调用。这不是(抽象的)工厂模式的目的
  2. __callStaticcall_user_func_array这样的(魔术)方法非常棘手,因为开发人员可以使用它来调用每个方法
  3. 你真正想做什么?实现工厂模式或者使用静态的一行方法来实现MongoDB


class BookCollection extends Collection {
    protected $collection = 'book';
    public function getName() {
        return 'Book!';
class AuthorCollection extends Collection {
    protected $collection = 'author';
    public function getName() {
        return 'Author!';
class Collection {
    private $adapter = null;
    public function __construct() {
    public function findOne($query = array(), $projection = array()) {
        $doc = $this->getAdapter()->findOne($query, $projection);
        return isset($doc) ? new Document($doc) : false;
    public function getAdapter() {
        // some get/set dep.injection for mongo
        if(isset($this->adapter)) {
            return $this->adapter;
        return new Mongo();
class CollectionFactory {
    public static function build($collection) 
        switch($collection) {
            case 'book':
                return new BookCollection();
            case 'author':
                return new AuthorCollection(); 
        // or use reflection magic
$bookCollection = CollectionFactory::build('book');
$bookCollection->findOne(array('name' => 'Google'));
print $bookCollection->getName(); // Book!


class BookCollection extends Collection {
    protected static $name = 'book';
class AuthorCollection extends Collection {
    protected static $name = 'author';
class Collection {
    private static $adapter;
    public static function setAdapter($adapter) {
        self::$adapter = $adapter;
    public static function getCollectionName() {
        $self = new static();
        return $self::$name;
    public function findOne($query = array(), $projection = array()) {
        $doc = self::$adapter->findOne($query, $projection);
        return $doc;
Collection::setAdapter(new Mongo()); //initiate mongo adapter (once)
BookCollection::findOne(array('name' => 'Google'));
AuthorCollection::findOne(array('name' => 'John'));


此外,对于factory方法,您确实希望使用它来实例化DocumentCollection的不同具体子类。假设您只使用过一种类型的Collection,以便于交谈;那么您的工厂类只需要关注不同的CCD_ 11子类。


class Document
    private $_aRawDoc;
    public function __construct(array $aRawDoc)
        $this->_aRawDoc = $aRawDoc;
    // Common Document methods here..


class Book extends Document
    // Specialized Book functions ...


class MongoCursorDecorator implements MongoCursorInterface, Iterator
    private $_sDocClass;         // Document class to be used
    private $_oCursor;           // Underlying MongoCursor instance
    private $_aDataObjects = []; // Concrete Document instances
    // Decorate the MongoCursor, so we can wrap the results
    public function __construct(MongoCursor $oCursor, $sDocClass)
        $this->_oCursor   = $oCursor;
        $this->_sDocClass = $sDocClass;
    // Delegate to most of the stock MongoCursor methods
    public function __call($sMethod, array $aParams)
        return call_user_func_array([$this->_oCursor, $sMethod], $aParams);
    // Wrap the raw results by our Document classes
    public function current()
        $key = $this->key();
            $this->_aDataObjects[$key] =
                new $this->sDocClass(parent::current());
        return $this->_aDataObjects[$key];


$m          = new MongoClient();
$db         = $m->selectDB('test');
$collection = new MongoCollection($db, 'book');
// search for author
$bookQuery = array('Author' => 'JR Tolken');
$cursor    = $collection->find($bookQuery);
// Wrap the native cursor by our Decorator
$cursor = new MongoCursorDecorator($cursor, 'Book');
foreach ($cursor as $doc) {
    var_dump($doc); // This will now be an instance of Book


class MongoDocCollection extends MongoCollection
    public function find(array $query=[], array $fields=[])
        // The Document class name is based on the collection name
        $sDocClass = ucfirst($this->getName());
        $cursor = parent::find($query, $fields);
        $cursor = new MongoCursorDecorator($cursor, $sDocClass);
        return $cursor;
    public function findOne(
        array $query=[], array $fields=[], array $options=[]
    ) {
        $sDocClass = ucfirst($this->getName());
        return new $sDocClass(parent::findOne($query, $fields, $options));


$m          = new MongoClient();
$db         = $m->selectDB('test');
$collection = new MongoDocCollection($db, 'book');
// search for author
$bookQuery = array('Author' => 'JR Tolken');
$cursor    = $collection->find($bookQuery);
foreach($cursor as $doc) {
    var_dump($doc); // This will now be an instance of Book
