我一直在尝试进行开放式文本冒险。我试图设置九个房间,你可以在里面移动,但我认为我这样做的方式在 python 中是不可能的。有没有类似的方法可以做到这一点?解决方法?这是代码:(顺便说一下,我知道用户还没有办法交互)
class Room:
def __init__(self, north, east, south, west, desc):
self.north = north
self.east = east
self.south = south
self.west = west
self.desc = desc
loc1 = Room(False, loc2, loc4, False, "You can go east and south")
loc2 = Room(False, loc3, loc5, loc1, "You can go east, south, and west")
loc3 = Room(False, False, loc6, loc2, "You can go west and south")
loc4 = Room(loc1, loc5, loc7, False, "You can go north, east, and south")
loc5 = Room(loc2, loc6, loc8, loc4, "You are in the center room, with paths in all directions")
loc6 = Room(loc3, False, loc9, loc5, "You can go north, west, and south")
loc7 = Room(loc4, loc8, False, False, "You can go north and east")
loc8 = Room(loc5, loc9, False, loc7, "You can go north, east, and west")
loc9 = Room(loc6, False, False, loc8, "You can go north and west")
location = loc5
def Interpret(b):
global location
if b == 'help':
print('To move around, type north, south, east and west. Make sure it's all in lowercase, so that the game can understand.')
elif b == 'north':
if location.north == False:
print("You can't go that way.")
location = location.north
elif b == 'east':
if location.east == False:
print("You can't go that way.")
location = location.eastth
elif b == 'south':
if location.south == False:
print("You can't go that way")
location = location.south
elif b == 'west':
if location.west == False:
print("You can't go that way")
location = location.west
class Room:
def setup(self, north, east, south, west, desc):
self.north = north
self.east = east
self.south = south
self.west = west
self.desc = desc
loc1 = Room()
loc2 = Room()
loc3 = Room()
loc4 = Room()
loc9 = Room()
loc1.setup(False, loc2, loc4, False, "You can go east and south")
loc2.setup(False, loc3, loc5, loc1, "You can go east, south, and west")
loc3.setup(False, False, loc6, loc2, "You can go west and south")
loc4.setup(loc1, loc5, loc7, False, "You can go north, east, and south")
loc9.setup(loc6, False, False, loc8, "You can go north and west")