C语言 在节点生成中取消引用空指针警告

>VS 2019 已将以下 c 代码标记为 c6011 警告。该函数假设为我的双向链表"客户端"初始化一个空节点。初始化新节点时我做错了什么吗?

//struct for my doubly linked list
typedef struct _client {
    char NAME[30];
    unsigned long PHONE;
    unsigned long ID;
    unsigned char CountryID;
    struct client *next;
    struct client *previous;
}client, *client_t;
//Function which creates a new node and returns a ptr to the node
client_t AddClientNode() 
    client_t ptr = (client_t)malloc(sizeof(client));
    //Warning C6011 Dereferencing NULL pointer 'ptr'. 
    ptr->next = NULL; 
    ptr->previous = NULL;
    return ptr;

退休忍者的建议适用于我的代码。ptr 需要进行检查,以确保它不会因 malloc 失败而为空。下面的代码是不带警告的工作函数:

client_t AddClientNode() {
    client_t ptr = malloc(sizeof *ptr);
    if (ptr)
        ptr->next = NULL;
        ptr->previous = NULL;
        return ptr;
    fprintf(stderr, "Malloc Failed to Allocate Memoryn");
    return NULL;


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