static int SellPricePerKey = 70; // cena klucza w scrapach np. 31 / 9 = 3.55 ref
static int BuyPricePerKey = 69; // cena klucza w scrapach np e.g. 29 / 9 = 3.33 ref
static int SellPricePerTod = 33; // cena ToD'a w scrapach np. 31 / 9 = 3.55 ref
static int BuyPricePerTod = 28; // cena ToD'a w scrapach np. 29 / 9 = 3.33 ref
else if (message.StartsWith("!sell key"))
// Usage: !sell newprice "e.g. sell 26"
int NewSellPrice = 0;
if (message.Length >= 10)
Bot.SteamFriends.SendChatMessage(OtherSID, type, "Aktualna cena sprzedazy kluczy to: " +
SellPricePerKeyInRefs + " ref ("
+ SellPricePerKey + " scapow).");
int.TryParse(message.Substring(9), out NewSellPrice);
Bot.log.Success("Admin zmienil cene sprzedazy kluczy z " +
SellPricePerKeyInRefs + " ref, na " +
Math.Truncate(100 * (NewSellPrice / 9.0)) / 100 +
" ref (" + NewSellPrice + " scapow).");
SellPricePerKey = NewSellPrice;
double NewSellPricePerKeyInRefs = Math.Truncate(100 * (SellPricePerKey / 9.0)) / 100;
SellPricePerKeyInRefs = NewSellPricePerKeyInRefs;
Bot.SteamFriends.SendChatMessage(OtherSID, type, "Zmiana ceny sprzedazy kluczy na: " +
SellPricePerKeyInRefs + " ref (" +
SellPricePerKey + " scapow).");
Bot.log.Success("Pomyslnie zmieniono cene sprzedazy kluczy.");
Bot.SteamFriends.SendChatMessage(OtherSID, type,
"Potrzebuje nowej ceny w komendzie. Aktualna cena sprzedazy to: " +
SellPricePerKeyInRefs + " refa (" + SellPricePerKey + " scapow).");
"KeySell": "70"
"KeyBuy": "69"
"TodSell": "33"
"TodBuy": "28"
void Main()
var my_object = new MyObject() {
SellPricePerKey = 70, // cena klucza w scrapach np. 31 / 9 = 3.55 ref
BuyPricePerKey = 69, // cena klucza w scrapach np e.g. 29 / 9 = 3.33 ref
SellPricePerTod = 33,// cena ToD'a w scrapach np. 31 / 9 = 3.55 ref
BuyPricePerTod = 28 // c
// create the JSON
var json_my_object = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(my_object);
// Retrun an a JObject with 4 objects
var normal_deserialized_object = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(json_my_object);
// Or deserialize object and play with inner bits
Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JObject another_deserialized_object =
foreach (var pair in another_deserialized_object)
Console.WriteLine("Key:[{0}] , Value:[{1}]", pair.Key, pair.Value);
// Define other methods and classes here
public class MyObject {
public int SellPricePerKey ;
public int BuyPricePerKey;
public int SellPricePerTod ;
public int BuyPricePerTod;