
你好,我试图制作一个"选择你自己的冒险"游戏,但我收到这个错误。 我似乎无法弄清楚如何解决这个问题,任何帮助将不胜感激这是我到目前为止的编码,

var age = prompt("how old are you?");
if (age > 10) {
    alert("you may proceed");
} else; {
    alert("I think you should leave, NOW");
    "you are in a small room sitting in a desk. there is a door right        behind you PLEASE NOTE the apocalypses has just started there are only a few people in your building alive think about finding a weapon"
var userawnser = prompt(
    "Do you 'type 1 to' examine the room or '2' exit through the door?"
if (userawnser = 1) {
        "You see a stapler on your desk a bat by the door and a computer.You grab the bat"
} else if (userawnser = 2); {
        "you walk outside of you room and are surprise attacked by a zombie"
        "you attempt to get the zombie off but since it got you by surprise you are bitten in the back of the neck and join the undead army"
        "never go places unprotected silly or your guts will be harvested again!"
} else; {
    alert("that doesn't make any since!");


考虑一下答案的顺序。假设您希望在userawnser == 1时将用户直接发送到游戏(也称为 true )。如果userawnser == 2(又名"用户退出门"),则代码应通知用户他们无法玩游戏。


var age = prompt("how old are you?");
var userawnser;
//answer >=10
if (age >= 10) {
    alert("you may proceed");
    alert("you are in a small room sitting in a desk. there is a door right behind you PLEASE NOTE the apocalypses has just started there are only a few people in your building alive think about finding a weapon");
    userawnser = prompt("Do you 'type 1 to' examine the room or '2' exit through the door?");
    if (userawnser == 1) {
        alert("You see a stapler on your desk a bat by the do`enter code here`or and a computer.You grab the bat");
    } else if (userawnser == 2) {
        alert("you walk outside of you room and are surprise attacked by a zombie");
        alert("you attempt to get the zombie off but since it got you by surprise you are bitten in the back of the neck and join the undead army");
    } else {
        alert("Sorry, what number you choice?");
    var confirmNeverGo = confirm("never go places unprotected silly or your guts will be harvested again!");
    if (confirmNeverGo === false) {
        alert("that doesn't make any since!");
//answer <=10(poor kid)
} else {
    alert("I think you should leave, NOW");

