如何遍历 mysql 查询的结果并将其显示在 html 表单的选项值中



<title>Add a unit</title>
<div class= "container">
<h1>Add a unit</h1>
<?php // Script 12.4 - add_size.php
// This script adds a blog size to the database.

if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST') { // Handle the form.
    // Connect and select:
    $connection = mysqli_connect('localhost', $user, $password, $database);
    mysqli_set_charset($connection, 'utf8');
    // Validate the form data:
    $problem = false;
    if (!empty($_POST['unit']) && !empty($_POST['size']) && !empty($_POST['price'] && isset($_POST['building'])) {
        $unit     = mysqli_real_escape_string($connection, trim(strip_tags($_POST['unit'])));
        $size     = mysqli_real_escape_string($connection, trim(strip_tags($_POST['size'])));
        $price    = mysqli_real_escape_string($connection, trim(strip_tags($_POST['price'])));
        $building = mysqli_real_escape_string($connection, trim(strip_tags($_POST['building'])));
    } else {
        echo '<p style="color: red;">Please submit a unit and an size and price.</p>';
    if (!$problem) {
        // Define the query:
        $query = "INSERT INTO individualspecs (Space, Size, Price, fk_Id, Id) VALUES ('${unit}', '${size}', '${price}', '${building}', 0)";
        // Execute the query:
        if (@mysqli_query($connection, $query)) {
            echo '<p>The unit has been added!</p>';
            // why doesnt print "$msg"; work when using $i
        } else {
            echo '<p style="color: red;">Could not add the unit because:<br>'.mysqli_error($connection).'.</p><p>The query being run was: '.$query.'</p>';
            echo $msg;
        mysqli_close($connection); // Close the connection.
    } // No problem!
} // End of form submission IF.

// Display the form:
<form action="add_units.php" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
    <p>Select Building: <select name="building">
        <option value="<?php echo ?>"><?php echo ?></option>
        <option value=""></option>
        <option value=""></option>
        <option value=""></option>
    <p>Enter Unit: <input type="text" name="unit" size="40" maxsize="100"></p>
    <p>Enter Size in Sq Feet: <input type="number" name="size" size="40" maxsize="100"></p>
    <p>Enter Price: <input type="text" name="price" size="40" maxsize="100"></p>

    <!-- removed upload photos -->

    <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Add indiviual Space!">






我们使用PDO类连接到mysql DB,因为它更强大,更安全

您可以使用数据库用户名更改root 使用数据库密码pass 使用您的数据库名称db 在此处阅读有关PDO的更多信息

// connect to db
$dbh = new PDO('mysql:host=;dbname=db', "root", "pass");
// query to select from db
$q = 'SELECT * FROM users';
// prepare and execute the query 
$buildsq = $dbh->prepare($q);
// fetch the results and save them to $build var
$builds = $buildsq->fetchAll();
// check if their is results and print them 
if($buildsq->rowCount()) {
    foreach ($builds as $build) {
        echo '<option value="">' . $build['name'] . '</option>';
} else {
    echo "<option>No results </option>";

