GWT -如何设置垂直滚动条的左侧




direction: rtl;


ScrollPanel scrollPanel = new ScrollPanel(new Label("I am just wondering... How to set vertical scroll bar from right to left side for ScrollPanel in pure GWT? Or maybe there is some alt walk-around?I am just wondering... How to set vertical scroll bar from right to left side for ScrollPanel in pure GWT? Or maybe there is some alt walk-around?I am just wondering... How to set vertical scroll bar from right to left side for ScrollPanel in pure GWT? Or maybe there is some alt walk-around?I am just wondering... How to set vertical scroll bar from right to left side for ScrollPanel in pure GWT? Or maybe there is some alt walk-around?I am just wondering... How to set vertical scroll bar from right to left side for ScrollPanel in pure GWT? Or maybe there is some alt walk-around?I am just wondering... How to set vertical scroll bar from right to left side for ScrollPanel in pure GWT? Or maybe there is some alt walk-around?I am just wondering... How to set vertical scroll bar from right to left side for ScrollPanel in pure GWT? Or maybe there is some alt walk-around?I am just wondering... How to set vertical scroll bar from right to left side for ScrollPanel in pure GWT? Or maybe there is some alt walk-around?I am just wondering... How to set vertical scroll bar from right to left side for ScrollPanel in pure GWT? Or maybe there is some alt walk-around?I am just wondering... How to set vertical scroll bar from right to left side for ScrollPanel in pure GWT? Or maybe there is some alt walk-around?I am just wondering... How to set vertical scroll bar from right to left side for ScrollPanel in pure GWT? Or maybe there is some alt walk-around?I am just wondering... How to set vertical scroll bar from right to left side for ScrollPanel in pure GWT? Or maybe there is some alt walk-around?I am just wondering... How to set vertical scroll bar from right to left side for ScrollPanel in pure GWT? Or maybe there is some alt walk-around?"));
    scrollPanel.setSize("100px", "100px");


.dit {
    direction: rtl;
    text-align: left !important; /*Only if you want to set text alignment to left.*/

