r语言 - 如何将观测值的存在或不存在转换为具有这种格式的二进制事件计数的矩阵?

我正在尝试将遗传估算程序的输入转换为不同的格式,以便我可以在下游分析中使用它。 输入外观的玩具示例如下:

input <- data.frame(A1 = c("a", "a", "b"), A2 = c("b", "a", "b"),
row.names = c("ind1", "ind2", "ind3"), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
A1 A2
ind1  a  b
ind2  a  a
ind3  b  b


output <- matrix(c(1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1), nrow = 2, ncol = 6,
dimnames = list(c("a", "b"),
c("ind1_1", "ind1_2", "ind2_1", "ind2_2", "ind3_1", "ind3_2")))
ind1_1 ind1_2 ind2_1 ind2_2 ind3_1 ind3_2
a      1      0      0      1      0      0
b      1      0      0      0      0      1


observations <- sort(unique(c(input$A1, input$A2)))
individuals <- row.names(input)
output2 <- data.frame(matrix(0, nrow = length(observations),
ncol = length(individuals) * 2), row.names = observations)
colnames(output2) <- rep(individuals, each = 2)



ID locus allele1 allele2      prob     matching
397    FAM_308  HLAA   26:01   29:02 0.9805655 0.0006153191
677   FAM_2235  HLAA   03:01   03:01 0.9917792 0.0043972647
274 882_cas326  HLAA   01:01   02:01 0.8891524 0.0001758429
246 851_cas295  HLAA   02:01   03:01 0.9468442 0.0002267387
95  678_cas122  HLAA   02:01   02:01 0.9643058 0.0004104801

在玩具示例中,各个 ID(行名称(位于 ID 列中,A1 是等位基因 1 列,A2 是等位基因 2 列。预期输出如下:

FAM_308 FAM_308 FAM_2235 FAM_2235 882_cas326 882_cas326 851_cas295 851_cas295
01:01       0       0        0        0          1          0          0          0
02:01       0       0        0        0          1          0          1          0
03:01       0       0        0        1          0          0          1          0
26:01       1       0        0        0          0          0          0          0
29:02       1       0        0        0          0          0          0          0
678_cas122 678_cas122
01:01          0          0
02:01          0          1
03:01          0          0
26:01          0          0
29:02          0          0



A1 <- c("a", "a", "b")
A2 <- c("b", "a", "b")
In <- c("ind1", "ind2", "ind3")
alleles <- data.frame(In, A1, A2)
result <- 
bind_rows(alleles, alleles, .id="Index") %>% 
arrange(In) %>% 
Index == 1 & A1 == "a" & A2 == "b" ~ 1,
Index == 2 & A1 == "a" & A2 == "a" ~ 1,
TRUE ~ 0
)) %>% 
Index == 1 & A1 == "a" & A2 == "b" ~ 1,
Index == 2 & A1 == "b" & A2 == "b" ~ 1,
TRUE ~ 0
reshaped <- result %>% 
mutate(new_name=paste(In, Index, sep="_")) %>% 
select(new_name, a, b) %>% 
final <- as.matrix(reshaped[2:3,])
colnames(final) <- reshaped[1,]
rownames(final) <- c("a", "b")
ind1_1 ind1_2 ind2_1 ind2_2 ind3_1 ind3_2
a "1"    "0"    "0"    "1"    "0"    "0"   
b "1"    "0"    "0"    "0"    "0"    "1"


ID <- c("FAM_308", "FAM_2235", "882_cas326", "851_cas295", "678_cas122")
allele1 <- c("26:01", "03:01", "01:01", "02:01", "02:01")
allele2 <- c("29:02", "03:01", "02:01", "03:01", "02:01")
DD <- data.frame(ID, allele1, allele2, stringsAsFactors = FALSE) %>% arrange(ID, allele1, allele2)
DD_long <- gather(DD, Allele, Value, -ID)
all_rows <- unique(DD_long$Value)
all_cols <- unique(DD_long$ID)
mm <- matrix(
nrow = length(all_rows),
ncol = length(all_cols) * 2 ,
dimnames = list(all_rows, c(
paste(all_cols, 1, sep = "_"), paste(all_cols, 2, sep = "_")
# function to fill rows, 
# but don't keep track of whether alleles match
fill_row <- function(row, mat) {
x <- filter(DD_long, Value == row) %>% 
mutate(z=paste(ID, gsub("allele", "", Allele), sep="_")) %>% 
select(z) %>% unlist %>% unname
cat("found allele ", row, "in individual ", x, "nn")
mat[row, x] <- 1
for (i in seq_along(all_rows)) {
mm <- fill_row(all_rows[i], mm)
# reorganize the 1s and 0s dependent on whether alleles match
reorganize_row <- function(row, col, mat) {
if (sum(mat[row,grep(col, colnames(mm))]) == 1) {
mat[row, grep(col, x = colnames(mat))[1]] <- 1
mat[row, grep(col, x = colnames(mat))[2]] <- 0
if (sum(mat[row,grep(col, colnames(mm))]) == 2) {
mat[row, grep(col, x = colnames(mat))[1]] <- 0
mat[row, grep(col, x = colnames(mat))[2]] <- 1
# nested loop, sorry
for (i in seq_along(all_rows)) {
for (j in seq_along(all_cols)) {
mm <- reorganize_row(all_rows[i], col = all_cols[j], mat = mm)
# sort the matrix to be as in example
nn <- mm[c("01:01", "02:01", "03:01", "26:01", "29:02"),
colnames(nn) <- gsub("_1|_2", "", x = colnames(nn))
FAM_308 FAM_308 FAM235 FAM235 882_cas326 882_cas326 851_cas295 851_cas295 678_cas122 678_cas122
01:01       0       0      0      0          1          0          0          0          0          0
02:01       0       0      0      0          1          0          1          0          0          1
03:01       0       0      0      1          0          0          1          0          0          0
26:01       1       0      0      0          0          0          0          0          0          0
29:02       1       0      0      0          0          0          0          0          0          0

使用基数 R,我们可以获得观察的所有unique值。对于每行中的每个观察结果,我们根据条件返回输出。将所有结果绑定在一起,并分配列名和行名。首先在共享input数据上执行此操作

unique_vals <- unique(unlist(input))
cols <- c(t(outer(rownames(input), c("_1", "_2"), paste0)))
output <- do.call(rbind.data.frame, lapply(unique_vals, function(x) 
c(apply(input, 1, function(y) 
if (all(y == x)) c(0, 1) else if (any(y == x)) c(1, 0) else c(0, 0)))))
names(output) <- cols
rownames(output) <- unique_vals

#  ind1_1 ind1_2 ind2_1 ind2_2 ind3_1 ind3_2
#a      1      0      0      1      0      0
#b      1      0      0      0      0      1

现在将其应用于原始数据帧 (df(

vals <- c("allele1", "allele2")
unique_vals <- sort(unique(unlist(df[vals])))
cols <- c(t(outer(df$ID, c("_1", "_2"), paste0)))
output <- do.call(rbind.data.frame, lapply(unique_vals, function(x) 
c(apply(df[vals], 1, function(y) 
if (all(y == x)) c(0, 1) else if (any(y == x)) c(1, 0) else c(0, 0)))))
names(output) <- cols
#      FAM_308_1 FAM_308_2 FAM_2235_1 FAM_2235_2 882_cas326_1 882_cas326_2
#01:01         0         0          0          0            1            0
#02:01         0         0          0          0            1            0
#03:01         0         0          0          1            0            0
#26:01         1         0          0          0            0            0
#29:02         1         0          0          0            0            0
#      851_cas295_1 851_cas295_2 678_cas122_1 678_cas122_2
#01:01            0            0            0            0
#02:01            1            0            0            1
#03:01            1            0            0            0
#26:01            0            0            0            0
#29:02            0            0            0            0



df <- structure(list(ID = c("FAM_308", "FAM_2235", "882_cas326", "851_cas295", 
"678_cas122"), locus = c("HLAA", "HLAA", "HLAA", "HLAA", "HLAA"
), allele1 = c("26:01", "03:01", "01:01", "02:01", "02:01"), 
allele2 = c("29:02", "03:01", "02:01", "03:01", "02:01"), 
prob = c(0.9805655, 0.9917792, 0.8891524, 0.9468442, 0.9643058
), matching = c(0.0006153191, 0.0043972647, 0.0001758429, 
0.0002267387, 0.0004104801)), class = "data.frame", row.names = c("397", 
"677", "274", "246", "95"))
