意外的Java.util.ConcurrentModification Exception在GWT中模拟了AbsTrac

我们正在使用GWT 2.8.0的Java.util.concurrentModificationException,同时调用GWT中的iter.next((模拟abstracthashmap类(请参阅下面的stack Trace和我们的CallbackTimer类(。涉及我们代码的跟踪中的最低点是在第118行中,在方法private void tick()中,调用iter.next((。


public Entry<K, V> next() {
  checkStructuralChange(AbstractHashMap.this, this);
  last = current;
  Entry<K, V> rv = current.next();
  hasNext = computeHasNext();
  return rv;


public static void checkStructuralChange(Object host, Iterator<?> iterator) {
    if (!API_CHECK) {
if (JsUtils.getIntProperty(iterator, MOD_COUNT_PROPERTY)
    != JsUtils.getIntProperty(host, MOD_COUNT_PROPERTY)) {
  throw new ConcurrentModificationException();

我对ContrentModification Exception的目的的理解是避免在迭代时进行收集的变化。我认为iter.next((不会属于该类别。此外,我看到该系列在迭代期间发生变化的唯一地方通过迭代器本身进行。我在这里错过了什么吗?任何帮助将不胜感激!


    at Unknown.Throwable_1_g$(Throwable.java:61)
    at Unknown.Exception_1_g$(Exception.java:25)
    at Unknown.RuntimeException_1_g$(RuntimeException.java:25)
    at Unknown.ConcurrentModificationException_1_g$(ConcurrentModificationException.java:25)
    at Unknown.checkStructuralChange_0_g$(ConcurrentModificationDetector.java:54)
    at Unknown.next_79_g$(AbstractHashMap.java:106)
    at Unknown.next_78_g$(AbstractHashMap.java:105)
    at Unknown.next_81_g$(AbstractMap.java:217)
    at Unknown.tick_0_g$(CallbackTimer.java:118)
    at Unknown.run_47_g$(CallbackTimer.java:41)
    at Unknown.fire_0_g$(Timer.java:135)
    at Unknown.anonymous(Timer.java:139)
    at Unknown.apply_65_g$(Impl.java:239)
    at Unknown.entry0_0_g$(Impl.java:291)
    at Unknown.anonymous(Impl.java:77)


package com.XXXXX.common.gwt.timer;
import java.util.ConcurrentModificationException;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import com.google.common.base.Optional;
import com.google.gwt.user.client.Timer;

 * A {@link Timer} wrapper which allows for the registration of callbacks to be invoked after a given number of ticks.
 * The timer will only run if at least one {@link TickCallback} is currently registered and will stop running when all
 * callbacks have been unregistered.
 * The intent of this class is to reduce overhead by allowing all callbacks in a GWT application to use the same
 * Javascript timer.
public class CallbackTimer
    private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(CallbackTimer.class.getName());
    private static final int MILLIS_IN_SEC = 1000;
    private Timer timer;
    private Map<Object, TickCallback> callbackRegistry = new HashMap<>();
    public CallbackTimer()
        timer = new Timer()
            public void run()
                catch(ConcurrentModificationException concurrentModificationException)
                    LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "Concurrent Modification Exception in " +
                        "CallbackTimer.tick()", concurrentModificationException);
    public void registerCallback(Object key, TickCallback callback)
        if (callbackRegistry.containsKey(key))
            LOGGER.fine("Key " + key.toString() + " is being overwritten with a new callback.");
        callbackRegistry.put(key, callback);
        LOGGER.finer("Key " + key.toString() + " registered.");
        if (!timer.isRunning())
    public void unregisterCallback(Object key)
        if (callbackRegistry.containsKey(key))
            LOGGER.finer("Key " + key.toString() + " unregistered.");
            if (callbackRegistry.isEmpty())
            LOGGER.info("Attempted to unregister key " + key.toString() + ", but this key has not been registered.");
    private void unregisterCallback(Iterator<Object> iter, Object key)
        LOGGER.finer("Key " + key.toString() + " unregistered.");
        if (callbackRegistry.isEmpty())
    public boolean keyIsRegistered(Object key)
        return callbackRegistry.containsKey(key);
    public TickCallback getCallback(Object key)
        if (keyIsRegistered(key))
            return callbackRegistry.get(key);
            LOGGER.fine("Key " + key.toString() + " is not registered; returning null.");
            return null;
    private void tick()
        long fireTimeMillis = System.currentTimeMillis();
        Iterator<Object> iter = callbackRegistry.keySet().iterator();
        while (iter.hasNext())
            Object key = iter.next();//Lowest point in stack for our code
            TickCallback callback = callbackRegistry.get(key);
            if (callback.isFireTime(fireTimeMillis))
                if (Level.FINEST.equals(LOGGER.getLevel()))
                    LOGGER.finest("Firing callback for key " + key.toString());
            if (callback.shouldTerminate())
                LOGGER.finer("Callback for key " + key.toString() +
                    " has reached its specified run-for-seconds and will now be unregistered.");
                unregisterCallback(iter, key);
    private void startTimer()
        LOGGER.finer(this + " started.");
    private void stopTimer()
        LOGGER.finer(this + " stopped.");

     * A task to run on a given interval, with the option to specify a maximum number of seconds to run.
    public static abstract class TickCallback
        private long intervalMillis;
        private long startedAtMillis;
        private long millisRunningAtLastFire;
        private Optional<Long> runForMillis;
         * @param intervalSeconds
         *          The number of seconds which must elapse between each invocation of {@link #onTick()}.
         * @param runForSeconds
         *          An optional maximum number of seconds to run for, after which the TickCallback will be eligible
         *          to be automatically unregistered.  Pass {@link Optional#absent()} to specify that the TickCallback
         *          must be manually unregistered.  Make this value the same as {@param intervalSeconds} to run the
         *          callback only once.
        public TickCallback(int intervalSeconds, Optional<Integer> runForSeconds)
            this.intervalMillis = intervalSeconds * MILLIS_IN_SEC;
            this.runForMillis = runForSeconds.isPresent() ?
                    Optional.of((long)runForSeconds.get() * MILLIS_IN_SEC) : Optional.<Long>absent();
        private void markStartTime()
            millisRunningAtLastFire = 0;
            startedAtMillis = System.currentTimeMillis();
        private void markLastFireTime()
            millisRunningAtLastFire += intervalMillis;
        private boolean isFireTime(long nowMillis)
            return nowMillis - (startedAtMillis + millisRunningAtLastFire) >= intervalMillis;
        private boolean shouldTerminate()
            return runForMillis.isPresent() && System.currentTimeMillis() - startedAtMillis >= runForMillis.get();
         * A callback to be run every time intervalSeconds seconds have past since this callback was registered.
        public abstract void onTick();



package com.XXXXX.common.gwt.timer;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import com.google.common.base.Optional;
import com.google.gwt.user.client.Command;
import com.google.gwt.user.client.Timer;
 * A {@link Timer} wrapper which allows for the registration of callbacks to be invoked after a given number of ticks.
 * The timer will only run if at least one {@link TickCallback} is currently registered and will stop running when all
 * callbacks have been unregistered.
 * The intent of this class is to reduce overhead by allowing all callbacks in a GWT application to use the same
 * Javascript timer.
public class CallbackTimer
    private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(CallbackTimer.class.getName());
    private static final int MILLIS_IN_SEC = 1000;
    private Timer timer;
    private Map<Object, TickCallback> callbackRegistry = new HashMap<>();
    private List<Command> deferredDeltas = new ArrayList<>();
    public CallbackTimer()
        timer = new Timer()
            public void run()
    public void registerCallback(final Object key, final TickCallback callback)
        deferredDeltas.add(new Command()
            public void execute()
                activateCallback(key, callback);
        if (!timer.isRunning())
    private void activateCallback(Object key, TickCallback callback)
        if (callbackRegistry.containsKey(key))
            LOGGER.fine("Key " + key.toString() + " is being overwritten with a new callback.");
        callbackRegistry.put(key, callback);
        LOGGER.finer("Key " + key.toString() + " registered.");
    public void unregisterCallback(final Object key)
        deferredDeltas.add(new Command()
            public void execute()
    private void deactivateCallback(Object key)
        if (callbackRegistry.containsKey(key))
            LOGGER.fine("Key " + key.toString() + " unregistered.");
            if (callbackRegistry.isEmpty())
            LOGGER.info("Attempted to unregister key " + key.toString() + ", but this key has not been registered.");
    private void handleQueuedAddsAndRemoves()
        for (Command c : deferredDeltas)
    public boolean keyIsRegistered(Object key)
        return callbackRegistry.containsKey(key);
    private void tick()
        long fireTimeMillis = System.currentTimeMillis();
        for (Map.Entry<Object, TickCallback> objectTickCallbackEntry : callbackRegistry.entrySet())
            Object key = objectTickCallbackEntry.getKey();
            TickCallback callback = objectTickCallbackEntry.getValue();
            if (callback.isFireTime(fireTimeMillis))
                if (Level.FINEST.equals(LOGGER.getLevel()))
                    LOGGER.finest("Firing callback for key " + key.toString());
            if (callback.shouldTerminate())
                LOGGER.finer("Callback for key " + key.toString() +
                    " has reached its specified run-for-seconds and will now be unregistered.");
    private void startTimer()
        LOGGER.finer(this + " started.");
    private void stopTimer()
        LOGGER.finer(this + " stopped.");

     * A task to run on a given interval, with the option to specify a maximum number of seconds to run.
    public static abstract class TickCallback
        private long intervalMillis;
        private long startedAtMillis;
        private long millisRunningAtLastFire;
        private Optional<Long> runForMillis;
         * @param intervalSeconds The number of seconds which must elapse between each invocation of {@link #onTick()}.
         * @param runForSeconds An optional maximum number of seconds to run for, after which the TickCallback will be
         * eligible
         * to be automatically unregistered.  Pass {@link Optional#absent()} to specify that the TickCallback
         * must be manually unregistered.  Make this value the same as {@param intervalSeconds} to run the
         * callback only once.
        protected TickCallback(int intervalSeconds, Optional<Integer> runForSeconds)
            this.intervalMillis = intervalSeconds * MILLIS_IN_SEC;
            this.runForMillis = runForSeconds.isPresent() ?
                Optional.of((long) runForSeconds.get() * MILLIS_IN_SEC) : Optional.<Long>absent();
        private void markStartTime()
            millisRunningAtLastFire = 0;
            startedAtMillis = System.currentTimeMillis();
        private void markLastFireTime()
            millisRunningAtLastFire += intervalMillis;
        private boolean isFireTime(long nowMillis)
            return nowMillis - (startedAtMillis + millisRunningAtLastFire) >= intervalMillis;
        private boolean shouldTerminate()
            return runForMillis.isPresent() && System.currentTimeMillis() - startedAtMillis >= runForMillis.get();
         * A callback to be run every time intervalSeconds seconds have past since this callback was registered.
        public abstract void onTick();



如果这是服务器端代码,则可以使用ConcurrentHashMap,该CC_6保证其迭代器不会在这种情况下抛出例外(以 not 保证每个项目都将是遍历,如果在创建迭代后添加(。

您需要提出另一种将项目添加到CallbackRegistry 的方式。
例如,您可以更改registerCallback()方法,以便将新项目添加到列表/队列而不是地图,然后让tick()方法在遍历现有的项目后将这些项目从队列移至地图。<<br>另外,您可以使用Thomas Broyer评论中指出的SimpleEventBus。
