
我正在尝试从自定义TextWatcher add/delete RecyclerView中的项目。


public void onTextChanged(CharSequence s, int start, int before, int count) {
    //get the position and size from edit text
    int position = (int) editText.getTag(R.string.position);
    int size = (int) editText.getTag(R.string.listSize);
    //if the character count equals 1
    if (count == 1){
        //check if the current position is proven to be the last item in the list
        if (position + 1 == size){
            //add an item to the list here


我很确定没有办法轻易做到这一点。我是否需要使用Singleton design pattern进行设置,或者有没有办法在我的MainActivity上创建自定义侦听器,当我想添加项目时调用该侦听器?



public class PlayerAdapter extends RecyclerView.Adapter<PlayerAdapter.PlayerHolder>{
    private List<Players> playerList;
    public PlayerAdapter(List<Players> list) {
        playerList = list;
    /* ViewHolder for each item */
    public class PlayerHolder extends RecyclerView.ViewHolder  {
        EditText playerName;
        PlayerHolder(View itemView) {
            playerName = itemView.findViewById(R.id.name);
            MyTextWatcher textWatcher = new MyTextWatcher(playerName);
    public PlayerHolder onCreateViewHolder(ViewGroup parent, int viewType) {
        View itemView = LayoutInflater.from(parent.getContext())
                .inflate(R.layout.new_player_item_layout, parent, false);
        return new PlayerHolder(itemView);
    public void onBindViewHolder(PlayerHolder holder, int position) {
        Players playerItem = playerList.get(position);
        //Sets Text
        holder.playerName.setTag(R.string.listSize, playerList.size());
        holder.playerName.setTag(R.string.position, position);
    public int getItemCount() {
        return playerList.size();
    public void updateList(List<Players> newList){
        playerList = newList;


interface AddPlayerInterface {
    private void addPlayer(Player player);


    class Adapter extends RecyclerView.Adapter implements AddPlayerInterface {
        // ... your other adapter implementation codes
        private void addPlayer(Player player) {
            // here you can add the new player to the list
            notifyDataSetChanged(); // or any of the helper methods to notify adapter of change like for specific rows


public PlayerHolder onCreateViewHolder(ViewGroup parent, int viewType) {
    View itemView = LayoutInflater.from(parent.getContext())
            .inflate(R.layout.new_player_item_layout, parent, false);

    return new PlayerHolder(itemView, listener);

文本观察器将包含对要调用的接口的引用 类 CustomWatcher 实现 TextWatcher { 受保护的玩家玩家; 私有添加播放器接口侦听器;

   private CustomWatcher(Player player, AddPlayerInterface interface)
       this.player = player;
       this.listener = interface;
   public void afterTextChanged(Editable editable)
        // if you want it on after textchanged you'd call it here and you would probably create the new player instance here
       Player player = new Player();
       listener.addPlayer(player); // this would call the listener implementation on your adapter 
