


我总是喜欢完全控制CCNode的运动。我只使用CCAction来做一些非常基本的事情。虽然您的案例听起来很简单,可能与CCAction s有关,但我将向您展示如何随着时间的推移根据任何函数移动CCNode。您也可以使用相同的技术更改比例、颜色、不透明度、旋转,甚至锚点。

@interface SomeLayer : CCLayer
    CCNode *nodeToMove;
    float t; // time elapsed
@implementation SomeLayer
// Assumes nodeToMove has been created somewhere else
    t = 0;
    // updateNodeProperties: gets called at the framerate
    // The exact time between calls is passed to the selector
    [self schedule:@selector(updateNodeProperties:)];
    t += dt;
    // Option 1: Update properties "differentially"
    CGPoint velocity = ccp( Vx(t), Vy(t) ); // You have to provide Vx(t), and Vy(t)
    nodeToMove.position = ccpAdd(nodeToMove.position, ccpMult(velocity, dt));
    nodeToMove.rotation = ...
    nodeToMove.scale = ...
    // Option 2: Update properties non-differentially
    nodeToMove.position = ccp( x(t), y(t) ); // You have to provide x(t) and y(t)
    nodeToMove.rotation = ...
    nodeToMove.scale = ...
   // In either case, you may want to stop the action if some condition is met
   // i.e.)
   if(nodeToMove.position.x > [[CCDirector sharedDirector] winSize].width){
       [self unschedule:@selector(updateNodeProperties:)];
       // Perhaps you also want to call some other method now
       [self callToSomeMethod];

对于您的特定问题,您可以将选项2与x(t) = k * t + cy(t) = A * sin(w * t) + d一起使用。

数学注释#1:x(t)y(t)称为位置参数化。CCD_ 9和CCD_。



但是,当你真的需要管理节点时,这就是方法。例如,对于复杂或复杂的位置公式,更改参数化要比在CCAction s中实现参数化容易得多。
