
我使用Python 2.7与win32com。客户端,并试图找出如何改变字体名称和颜色为Microsoft Visio 2013形状。


import sys, win32com.client
visio = win32com.client.Dispatch("Visio.Application")
vsoShape1 = visio.ActivePage.DrawRectangle(1,1,2,2)
vsoShape1.Cells("LineColor").FormulaU = 0
vsoShape1.Cells("LineWeight").FormulaU = "2.0 pt"
vsoShape1.FillStyle = "None"
vsoShape1.Text = "This is a test"
vsoShape1.Cells("Char.size").FormulaU = "20 pt"


这两行代码都会导致以下错误消息:pywintypes.com_error: (-2147352567, 'Exception occurred. '', (0, u' drawing4 - Visio Standard', u'nn ' .文件结束。', None, 0, -2032466967), None)

vsoShape1.Cells("Font.Name").FormulaU = "Courier"
vsoShape1.Cells("Font.Bold").FormulaU = "True"

接下来的三行代码都导致类似的错误消息,没有文件结束错误:pywintypes.com_error: (-2147352567, 'Exception occurred. '', (0, u' drawing4 - Visio标准',u'nnNAME?', None, 0, -2032466907), None)

vsoShape1.Cells("Char.Font").FormulaU = "Courier"
vsoShape1.Cells("Char.colorIndex").FormulaU = 16
vsoShape1.Cells("Font.Bold").FormulaU = 0


vsoShape1.fontName = "Courier"   
vsoShape1.Bold = True
vsoShape1.Bold = 1


import win32com.client
from win32com.client import constants as vis
# gencache.EnsureDispatch will ensure constants are built
app = win32com.client.gencache.EnsureDispatch( 'Visio.Application' )
# hide the window if you want
#app.Visible = 0
shape = app.ActivePage.DrawRectangle(1,1,2,2)
# text in shape
shape.Text = 'Text'
# fill color of shape
shape.Cells( 'Fillforegnd' ).FormulaU = 'RGB(255,255,0)'
# shape without fill
shape.FillStyle = "None"
# color of border line
shape.Cells( 'LineColor' ).FormulaU = 'RGB(0,0,255)'
# shape without border line
shape.LineStyle = "None"
# line pattern, numbers for patterns can be looked up in visio, they are displayed in the pattern drop down
shape.Cells( 'LinePattern' ).FormulaU = '3'
# line weight
shape.Cells( 'LineWeight' ).FormulaU = '0.1'
# text color
shape.CellsSRC( vis.visSectionCharacter, 0, vis.visCharacterColor ).FormulaU = 'RGB(255,0,0)'
# size of text
shape.Cells( 'Char.size' ).FormulaU = '20 pt'
# vertical alignment of text, values are 0,1,2
shape.Cells( 'VerticalAlign' ).FormulaU = '1'
chars = shape.Characters
# here you can set which characters the following styles will be applied to
chars.Begin = 0
chars.End = chars.CharCount
# text bold, italic and underline styles, add to combine
chars.CharProps( vis.visCharacterStyle, vis.visBold + vis.visItalic + vis.visUnderLine )
# text strikethrough
chars.CharProps( vis.visCharacterStrikethru, True )


# Microsoft Office Visio Constants
visCharacterFont = 0
visCharacterColor = 1
visSectionCharacter = 3
visCharacterDblUnderline = 8
visSectionFirstComponent = 10


vsoShape.CellsSRC(visSectionCharacter, 0, visCharacterColor).FormulaU = "THEMEGUARD(RGB(0,0,0))"


vsoShape.CellsSRC(visSectionCharacter, 0, visCharacterFont).FormulaU = 100

