Get-Package 命令包括 xml 字符串 - 需要转换为 PSObject

需要从Get-Package SwidTagText对象更新安装日期。该对象是XML格式,我尝试转换的所有内容都不起作用。

我正在尝试从 WMI 切换,因为它拉回结果的速度非常慢。


Get-Package -ProviderName msu | Select-Object *
PropertyOfSoftwareIdentity : PropertyOfSoftwareIdentity
FastPackageReference       : Definition Update for Windows Defender Antivirus - KB2267602 (Definition 1.297.486.0)
ProviderName               : msu
Source                     : 
Status                     : Installed
SearchKey                  : 
FullPath                   : ?
PackageFilename            : ?
FromTrustedSource          : False
Summary                    : Install this update to revise the definition files that are used to detect viruses, spyware, and other potentially 
                             unwanted software. Once you have installed this item, it cannot be removed.
SwidTags                   : {Definition Update for Windows Defender Antivirus - KB2267602 (Definition 1.297.486.0)}
CanonicalId                : msu:Definition Update for Windows Defender Antivirus - KB2267602 (Definition 1.297.486.0)
Metadata                   : {summary,SupportUrl,Date,ResultCode}
SwidTagText                : <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16" standalone="yes"?>
                               name="Definition Update for Windows Defender Antivirus - KB2267602 (Definition 1.297.486.0)" 
                                 summary="Install this update to revise the definition files that are used to detect viruses, spyware, and other 
                             potentially unwanted software. Once you have installed this item, it cannot be removed."
                                 Date="7/5/2019 6:17:09 PM"
                                 ResultCode="2" />
Dependencies               : {}
IsCorpus                   : 
Name                       : Definition Update for Windows Defender Antivirus - KB2267602 (Definition 1.297.486.0)
Version                    :

如果您尝试从 XML 中获取原始日期,您可以执行以下操作:

$xml = ((Get-Package -ProviderName msu) | Select-Object *).SwidTagText
foreach ($item in $xml)
            [xml]$item | Select-Object "InnerXml"
        ).InnerXml | Select-Xml -XPath "//*[@Date]"


PS C:UsersSkuld> $xml[0]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16" standalone="yes"?>
  name="Update for Windows Defender Antivirus antimalware platform - KB4052623 
(Version 4.18.1906.3)" xmlns="">
   summary="This package will update Windows Defender Antivirus antimalware 
platform’s components on the user machine."
    Date="09/07/2019 10:46:52"
    ResultCode="2" />

然后,使用 Select-XML/XPath 挑选出特定的日期属性。


您的代码有效,现在我创建了一个函数,用于在 SwidTagText 中搜索特定项目


#Use 尽可能多的


#Example = 获取包名称">应用程序名称" | Where-Object { $_.提供程序名称 -eq "程序" } |佛罗里达州*

#Example = 获取包名称">应用程序名称" | Where-Object { $_.提供程序名称 -eq "msi" } |佛罗里达州*

#Returns XML SwidTagText 中的任何变量

function SwidTagText-XML-Variable ( [string] $PackageName , [string] $XMLName, [string] $PackageType ) 
    $PackageObject = Get-Package -name $PackageName |  Where-Object { $_.ProviderName -eq $PackageType }
    $xml= $PackageObject.SwidTagText
        foreach ($item in $xml)
            $XMLValue = $(
                    [xml]$item | Select-Object "InnerXml"
                ).InnerXml | Select-Xml -XPath "//*[@$XMLName]"
    return $XMLValue
#Example of Ubisoft Program and check for UninstallString
SwidTagText-XML-Variable "*ubisoft*" "UninstallString" "Programs"

因此,该函数将在 SwidTagText 中搜索一个 XML 项。解析和从中获取 XML 项非常有用
