为什么 Python2.7 字典比 Python3 字典使用更多的空间?

我读过雷蒙德·赫廷格(Raymond Hettinger(实现紧凑字典的新方法。这就解释了为什么 Python 3.6 中的字典比 Python 2.7-3.5 中的字典使用更少的内存。但是,Python 2.7和3.3-3.5字典中使用的内存似乎存在差异。测试代码:

import sys
d = {i: i for i in range(n)}
  • 蟒蛇 2.7:12568
  • 蟒蛇 3.5: 6240
  • 蟒蛇 3.6: 4704

如前所述,我了解 3.5 和 3.6 之间的节省,但对 2.7 和 3.5 之间的节省原因感到好奇。

原来这是一条红鲱鱼。增加字典大小的规则在cPython 2.7 - 3.2和cPython 3.3之间发生了变化,在cPython 3.4中再次发生了变化(尽管此更改仅适用于发生删除的情况(。我们可以使用以下代码来确定字典何时展开:

import sys
size_old = 0
for n in range(512):
d = {i: i for i in range(n)}
size = sys.getsizeof(d)
if size != size_old:
print(n, size_old, size)
size_old = size

蟒蛇 2.7:

(0, 0, 280)
(6, 280, 1048)
(22, 1048, 3352)
(86, 3352, 12568)

蟒蛇 3.5

0 0 288
6 288 480
12 480 864
22 864 1632
44 1632 3168
86 3168 6240

蟒蛇 3.6:

0 0 240
6 240 368
11 368 648
22 648 1184
43 1184 2280
86 2280 4704

请记住,字典在达到 2/3 满时会调整大小,我们可以看到 cPython 2.7 字典实现在扩展时大小翻了两番,而 cPython 3.5/3.6 字典实现的大小仅翻了一番。


/* GROWTH_RATE. Growth rate upon hitting maximum load.
* Currently set to used*2 + capacity/2.
* This means that dicts double in size when growing without deletions,
* but have more head room when the number of deletions is on a par with the
* number of insertions.
* Raising this to used*4 doubles memory consumption depending on the size of
* the dictionary, but results in half the number of resizes, less effort to
* resize.
* GROWTH_RATE was set to used*4 up to version 3.2.
* GROWTH_RATE was set to used*2 in version 3.3.0
