如何在Swift 3中创建像Alamofire这样的自定义封闭


static func Test (printUrl: String, OnCompleted: @escaping (_ respons:     String) -> Void) {
         OnCompleted (printUrl)


 ClassNameFile.Test(printUrl: "hi") { (respons) in


Alamofire.request("https://httpbin.org/get").responseJSON { response in
 print(response.request) // original URL request
 print(response.response) // HTTP URL response
 print(response.data) // server data
 print(response.result) // result of response serialization
 if let JSON = response.result.value {
 print("JSON: (JSON)")


我的另一个问题是关于"请求"one_answers" Responsejson"!这些物品是什么?扩展名或其他任何东西?



public struct DataResponse<Value> {
    /// The URL request sent to the server.
    public let request: URLRequest?
    /// The server's response to the URL request.
    public let response: HTTPURLResponse?
    /// The data returned by the server.
    public let data: Data?
    /// The result of response serialization.
    public let result: Result<Value>
    /// The timeline of the complete lifecycle of the request.
    public let timeline: Timeline
    /// Returns the associated value of the result if it is a success, `nil` otherwise.
    public var value: Value? { return result.value }
    /// Returns the associated error value if the result if it is a failure, `nil` otherwise.
    public var error: Error? { return result.error }
    var _metrics: AnyObject?
    /// Creates a `DataResponse` instance with the specified parameters derived from response serialization.
    /// - parameter request:  The URL request sent to the server.
    /// - parameter response: The server's response to the URL request.
    /// - parameter data:     The data returned by the server.
    /// - parameter result:   The result of response serialization.
    /// - parameter timeline: The timeline of the complete lifecycle of the `Request`. Defaults to `Timeline()`.
    /// - returns: The new `DataResponse` instance.
    public init(
        request: URLRequest?,
        response: HTTPURLResponse?,
        data: Data?,
        result: Result<Value>,
        timeline: Timeline = Timeline())
        self.request = request
        self.response = response
        self.data = data
        self.result = result
        self.timeline = timeline


public func responseObject<T: BaseMappable>(queue: DispatchQueue? = nil, keyPath: String? = nil, mapToObject object: T? = nil, context: MapContext? = nil, completionHandler: @escaping (DataResponse<T>) -> Void) -> Self {
        return response(queue: queue, responseSerializer: DataRequest.ObjectMapperSerializer(keyPath, mapToObject: object, context: context), completionHandler: completionHandler)

