强制删除 TFS 2017 生成代理

  • 本文关键字:代理 2017 TFS 删除 tfs
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在计算机上安装了 tfs 2017(更新 1(生成代理,并运行 config.cmd 将其连接到 TFS 服务器。必须重新配置该服务器,并且生成代理指向的原始 URL 不再有效。我只想重新配置构建代理以使用新 url 进行连接。当我再次运行config.cmd时,它说我必须首先调用"config.cmd remove",但是当我运行它时,它失败了,因为它试图访问原始URL以将自己从代理池中删除。



C:TfsDatajessehouwing>config.cmd remove
Removing service
Waiting for service to stop...
Failed: Removing service
Could not find file 'C:TfsDatajessehouwing.agent'.
C:TfsDatajessehouwing>config.cmd remove
Removing service
Succeeded: Removing service
Removing agent from the server
Cannot connect to server, because config files are missing. Skipping removing agent from the server.
Removing .credentials
Succeeded: Removing .credentials
Removing .agent
Does not exist. Skipping Removing .agent
