
我的目标是创建100个点并让它们采用随机路径,这是一个简单的进化算法。但是,它需要一个等待计时器来使每个点的路径唯一,从我对代码的测试和查看来看,我认为没有理由发生这种情况。我可以保持原样,但我喜欢理解我编写的代码。因为没有任何特定的错误或任何东西,不幸的是,我确实必须提供相当多的代码(大约 200 行带有空格和注释),我讨厌这样做,但它真的只是必要的文件。 他们应该得到很好的评论,所以我希望这至少有所帮助,很抱歉不方便

using System;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Workflow.ComponentModel;
class Genetics
//Just a bunch of references to classes
Dot.Class dot = new Dot.Class();
FormSetup setup = new FormSetup();
Brain.Class brain = new Brain.Class();
Watch watch = new Watch();
Population.Class Pop = new Population.Class();
Dot.Class[] Dots;
//The main function just starts a timer, and sets up the form in FormSetup and runs the application

private static void Main(string[] args)
Genetics gen = new Genetics();

//Makes the dots before anything visual occurs
public void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
Dots = Pop.Birth();
//Paint sets up the goal and draws and redraws the dots by following their location
//This does not fire before the birthing process is done
public void Paint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e)

Goal.Class goal = new Goal.Class();
Graphics G = e.Graphics;
Pen pen = new Pen(Color.Black);
G.DrawRectangle(pen, goal.MakeGoal());
//Since this should fire as many times as tick, which fires every 50th milisecond, it should follow the dots and drawing spheres from their locations pretty alright
//Goes through the list from the birth process (Dots) and initiates the Move() method for each of them, which sets their path coordinates randomly. 
// This path SHOULD be unique to every single on of them, but without a wait timer, they aren't.
for (int i = 0; i < Dots.Length; i++)
G.DrawEllipse(pen, Dots[i].Location.X, Dots[i].Location.Y, 10, 10);
// With that testing loop, I saw how that without the sleep function, every dot had the same path, however with it, each dot's path is unique.
/* for (int b = 0; b < Dots[i].Directions.Length; b++)
Console.WriteLine("I am dot number: " + i + " And for step number: " + b + " my coordinate is: " + Dots[i].Directions[b]);
} */

//This just asks the form to be redrawn every 50th milisecond. This event does not fire before the Birthing process is complete.
public void Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)


上面的代码是主代码,最可能的原因是 paint 方法中的 for 循环


using System;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Workflow.ComponentModel;
namespace Brain
//The Brain program makes a big array of directions, and then randomizes a whole path of them
public class Class
// Sets up the variables
Point[] Directions;
Random rand = new Random();
//The GetDirections methods sets the size of the point array, then runs the randomize method, then returns the directions
public Point[] GetDirections(int size)
Directions = new Point[size];
return Directions;
// Simply fills the entire Directions point array with randonmized points
//This will output the same path over and over without the sleep function, however that doesn't make too much sense for me, since this is only called a bit AFTER the sleep function, since this method is only called after load, which stores all the dots
void Randomize()
for (int i = 0; i < Directions.Length; i++)
Directions[i] = new Point(rand.Next(-5, 5), rand.Next(-5, 5));



using System;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Workflow.ComponentModel;
namespace Population
public class Class
//Makes a variable for the dots array
Dot.Class[] dots;
//Birth is only called once just before the form is loaded
public Dot.Class[] Birth()
//Sets the size of the dots array
dots = new Dot.Class[100];
//Fills out the dots array with unique Dot classes
for (int i = 0; i < dots.Length; i++)
dots[i] = new Dot.Class();
//This little thing that the code requires for it to semi-work, and I have no idea why...

return dots;

所以,正如你现在已经注意到的那样,重点是每个点都有一个唯一的坐标路径,但由于某种原因,如果没有 for 循环的每次迭代之间的睡眠函数,它就不会这样做,如果它在它之外,它不会做任何事情。 我在这里严重迷失了方向,因为我不知道我的代码在这里做什么,虽然我是表单的新手,但这似乎不是表单问题,因为问题是纯坐标,而不是它们在屏幕上的显示方式。



public class Class
//Creates relevant variables for the dots
public Point Location = new Point(1370/2, 650/2);
Point Velocity = new Point(0, 0);
Point accelleration = new Point(0, 0);
bool IsDead = false;
int DistanceToGoal = 0;
public Point[] Directions;
//Some more variables, these are just used for some cheap programming tricks
bool StartupComplete = false;
int steps = 0;
//Class references
public Brain.Class brain = new Brain.Class();
Goal.Class goal = new Goal.Class();

//This is called every 50th milisecond after the load of the form. Before this Method is called, the dot won't have any coordinates
public void Move()
//A one-off if statement that fills the Directions array with the randomized points from the brain
if (!StartupComplete)
Directions = brain.GetDirections(500);
StartupComplete = true;
//Will only move if not marked as death
if (!IsDead)
//Makes sure that we aren't going further into the array than allowed to. We do not use a for loop here, because it is called every 50th milisecond
if (steps < Directions.Length)
//Just fills the accelleration variable with the randomized directions relevant to the current step, and then goes to the next step for the next itteration
accelleration.X = Directions[steps].X;
accelleration.Y = Directions[steps].Y;
//If there are no more directions, the dot is marked as death
IsDead = true;
//Sets and limits the velocity
Velocity.Y += accelleration.Y;
if (Velocity.Y > 10)
Velocity.Y = 10;
if (Velocity.Y < -10)
Velocity.Y = -10;
Velocity.X += accelleration.X;
if (Velocity.X > 10)
Velocity.X = 10;
if (Velocity.X < -10)
Velocity.X = -10;
//Moves an amount equal to the velocity, then checks if the dot is out of bounds
Location.X += Velocity.X;
Location.Y += Velocity.Y;

//Just checks if the dot is just about halfway outside the form size
void CheckDead()
if (Location.X > 1374 || Location.X < -0.4)
IsDead = true;
if (Location.Y > 654 || Location.Y < -0.4)
IsDead = true;





private static readonly Random random = new Random(); 
private static readonly object syncLock = new object(); 
public static int RandomNumber(int min, int max)
lock(syncLock) { // synchronize
return random.Next(min, max);

我希望它有所帮助 😊
